This is a newsletter for the Coalition for a Principled Republic (CPR) If you prefer not to receive it - let us know via email and ask to be removed from our mailing list. We offer ‘Too Much Information’ (TMI) on purpose; so, we advise readers to take in only what they are able to digest, and leave the rest…
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
This edition of the CPR Lifeline Advisory was interrupted while being completed in a local public library. My computer was not safe in such a location and subsequently there were privacy notes pooping up all over and I shut the laptop down. It broke the attack, but the shut down was quite abrupt and all of the introductory message was lost. I’ve limited time, so I will not do a re-write and this edition is long enough already. However, the focus of the message was the twists and turns in the election process Americans experienced from last Sunday until today.
And the extreme irony is that this turbulence and drastic changes occurred in less than a few weeks since the celebration of America’s 248th Birthday. One would not be considered crazy if there were questions concerning whether America as it was founded will move much further into this millennium. Our nation is under attack, our trusted leaders are under attack, the people are threatened with any number of lawsuits against them if they defy the Empire. Or, the people are labeled as domestic terrorists and imprisoned for exercising rights we have enjoyed since the Founders sacrificed themselves for those rights they knew originated from God.
We offer two articles in this edition. Both were written before Joe Biden “decided” that he was not continuing his run for POTUS. However, there are valuable perspectives in each. The first article, written by A. Dru Krustenev, is titled: “Kamala represents dems final tactic: Racism.” True citizens (only) should have the choice between Donald Trump and Kamalabama Harris because O’Biden was finally no longer functional or useful in the minds of the Democrats. However, anyone should be able to take the place of the sock puppet – like another sock puppet. If the manipulation of election outcomes by the Democrat machine continues, it honestly does not matter who is on the ticket. That may be why the tech gurus are making the statements they are making and the wireless wizards are not boasting or making any overly confident statements.
The second article we feature today is from Craig Huey who has written an uncharacteristically long piece about the recent twists and turns of the election rollercoaster. The article covers a lot and offers some insightful perspectives regarding the 2024 election.
The Coalition for a Principled Republic exists as a grassroots alliance, or association of groups of patriots connected via common lines of communication and shared information and focused on promoting cooperative action on vital projects with organizations seeking to retain a Republic rooted in the shared ideals, principles, and values of our Judeo- Christian heritage. Divided the Republic could falter; but United, the “We the People” will stand!
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The democrats have boxed themselves into a corner. The only way to impugn the opposition as racist is to have a person of color make the charge.
Kamala represents dems final tactic: Racism
By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--July 20, 2024
Polling has demonstrated that Joe Biden’s grip on winning back the presidency is diminishing day-by-day, and the party appears to be in a quandary as to who would best fill the top spot of the presidential ticket.
With Obama taking the stand that Biden may be more of a detriment than a benefit to the democrats in this election, he has opened the door to the party pursuing the only card they have left to play, that of claiming republicans are racist.
Kamala brought nothing to the ticket except the opportunity to invoke the ever-handy rationale of racism
A debate between vice presidential candidates J. D. Vance and Kamala Harris would have as disastrous an outcome as Biden’s confrontation with Donald Trump, due to the intellectual disparity between them. The move to paint Vance with the racism brush has already been made.
In his acceptance speech, Vance indisputably made his point that the American Dream for him is all about family, being a good father and husband. That didn’t stop MSNBC hosts from going after him, calling his reference to the family burial plot, “white nationalism.” That his wish for his family, when their time comes, to be interred together in Kentucky among his forebears, is racist and misogynistic because it supposedly dismisses his wife’s Indian immigrant family in San Diego, is far-fetched and absurd. It demonstrates the total lack of a germane objection against a man born to poverty, who has proven how any may find themselves in reach of the highest office in the United States.
Turning to history as the best example, Harris inflicted a single barb against Biden in the 2020 democrat debates and it was, you got it, racism. Not that her debate performance deterred the Biden team from choosing her as veep potential despite her being overwhelmingly unpopular with the democrat base. She brought nothing to the ticket except the opportunity to invoke the ever-handy rationale of racism against any and all who argued against her.
Going all the way back to Obama’s first campaign for the White House, the one and only platform on which he really ran was that of racism
Going all the way back to Obama’s first campaign for the White House, the one and only platform on which he really ran was that of racism. That’s what “hope and change” meant. The numbers of democrats, and white-guilted independents, who cast their vote for him was to prove to themselves and their neighbors that they couldn’t be racist by electing a black man (although his mother was lily white).
Now that all else has failed in the democrats’ attempt to shore-up Biden (and Kamala, should she replace him) on this administration’s dismal performance of the economy, border (in)security, healthcare, education, trans agenda, homelessness, fentanyl infestation, veterans’ welfare, etc., racism redux is all that’s left. And Kamala is the only contender to carry that banner, no matter how unpopular she is. (Michelle Obama’s name keeps being bantered about though her lack of enthusiasm for the nomination has been intense.)
Between the two, Biden and Harris, Trump can easily make his case based on the quality of his actions while previously in office. He spearheaded an economic boom (that was dented by the Covid bio-weapon), energy independence, tax reduction, military rebuilt to record strength, and an international presence that helped him introduce peace accords among the most virulent of enemies. Nor did any new aggressions emerge on the global scale while he brought troops home from countries that were war-ravaged for nearly two decades.
Racism has become the crux of each of the planks in the democrat platform
With a resumé like that for Trump to rely on, Kamala is the democrats best choice because sidestepping the current VP is unlikely and, as a woman of color, she’s the only one who can bring the racism argument against him with any credibility. That, however, is the last remaining point of contention democrats are able to raise in a debate alongside abortion, climate change, LGBTQ “rights,” and overworking the collapsing lawfare.
Each one of those arguments made by democrats is divisive, as opposed to the unity the republican party has been able to represent this election cycle.
Racism has become the crux of each of the planks in the democrat platform. It is expressed as the cause for “climate change,” because it has been introduced into the previously sacrosanct disciplines of science and mathematics, two realms of study that used to be removed from cultural and political ideologies. Pressure to color (pardon the pun) math and science with racist “whiteness” is making inroads on curricula in medicine and, now, primary education.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has allocated $52,000 to infuse racism into their schools’ mathematics curriculum. According to a report in Just The News, the school district is underwriting an education group to conduct workshops that “will reflect on the instruction and pedagogy that supports schools in moving toward justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in math classrooms.”
It boils down to one thing – racism, racism, racism
Nationally, the concept that racism is embedded in teaching math has been embraced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Schools of medicine have begun adjusting their entrance qualifications to ascertain a higher number of students of color rather than accept candidates based solely on their academic merit. The Association of American Medical Colleges believes that diversity overshadows high academic standards as requirements for enrollment.
Diversity training is undermining the standard of hiring employees across the board from corporate boards to administrative positions where the protection of elected officials and candidates is vital. The failed result of DEI hiring codes became evident July 13, 2024 when the Secret Service was deficient in its duty to deflect an assassination attempt on republican nominee, Donald J. Trump. That the current occupant of the Oval Office, Joseph Biden, could succumb to a similar attack is not beyond consideration.
It boils down to one thing – racism, racism, racism. That’s all that Kamala Harris could fall back on in a debate with Donald Trump to support her advocacy for illegal immigration, abortion, gutting oil, gas and coal production, continued manufacturing outsourcing, and destabilizing the military.
The democrats have boxed themselves into a corner. The only way to impugn the opposition as racist is to have a person of color make the charge.
Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at
ChangingWind ( is a solutions-centered Christian ministry. Donate Here
Election Insider: Obama Manipulation, The Oddest Things, Trump VP Pick, RFK, and Other Little-Known Intelligence
Craig Huey’s Election Forum July 10, 2024
Elections, Biden, Debt, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election Insider, Government, Politics, The Great Deception
Get ready for 7 little-known revelations in this week’s Election Insider.
Joe Biden’s Eminent Toppling: When Obama Turns on You, You Have No Chance– 5 things you should know…
Joe Biden became president because of Barack Obama.
The plan was for Joe Biden to allow Obama and his bureaucrats to continue with the policies Obama wanted, and that worked.
Kamala Harriss would be the backup, just in case, which worked… until now.
Obama knew that Joe Biden was not mentally fit, but he would allow his hand-picked bureaucrats to run the White House, all the departments in his administration, and all the other agencies, essentially giving Obama a third term.
Although we all know that Barack Obama has a mansion in Cape Cod, he also has a home very close to the White House, where he stays when he wants to consult with his hand-picked bureaucrats to discuss “official” White House business and set policies for Biden to follow.
When Obama wants Biden to create an Executive Order, he has his hand-picked staff draft it and put it in front of Biden to sign (See our article: Warning: Biden’s AI “Executive Order” is Destructive and Dangerous… and Probably Unconstitutional).
Obama is a master at manipulation and control.
Obama understands politics and what’s necessary to win.
Obama was confident that the Democrat marketing machine he set up, created, and still controls would get Biden elected in 2020– and he was right.
But now everyone sees that “The emperor has no clothes.”
So, what about now?
Here are the 5 things you should know…
1) Biden refuses to leave Joe Biden is refusing to give up his power… Maybe it’s because he fears Trump will prosecute his son Hunter for crimes contained in the “laptop from Hell”… and also bring the elder Biden up on charges for his “pay to play” schemes while in office.
Maybe he’s afraid that his shady actions as a Senator will be revealed and destroy his legacy.
Whatever the reason, I’m sure Obama thought Joe Biden would leave quietly, allowing Harris to become President.
But that’s not happening.
And it’s causing chaos… and the destruction of the Democrat Party and its voter base.
Donors are disappearing.
Volunteers are disappearing.
The whole Democrat party is collapsing the longer Biden defies Obama and the Deep State.
2) Obama has given a variety of indicators that he wants Biden out, and it’s quite apparent
Here are a few indicators:
It’s been reported that Obama’s wife has publicly criticized the administration, including Harris.
Top Democrats like James Carvill, David Axelrod, and other top Democrat operatives in Obama’s inner circle have all asked Biden to step down.
Obama’s public support for Biden, with comments on social media, like X, has been standard party fare, showing support… but not with any conviction… not authoritative… not passionate… not excited.
The Deep State has been leaking information to the press, which is growing in intensity.
Obama friend, advisor, and Democrat strategist Van Jones said that Biden “was not on stage” after Biden’s horrible and embarrassing debate with Trump. “He can’t get us across the finish line,” Jone said on CNN. “We’re running Kamala Harris right now for president.”
Democrat political consultant Lanny Davis wrote in his column, “With pain, I have changed my mind: I ask you, President Biden, to think again and please decide to pass the torch to your vice president, Kamala Harris. Friday night’s George Stephanopoulos interview changed my mind.”
3) Expect the Deep State to destroy Joe Biden if he doesn’t drop out.
The Deep State desperately wants to protect its bureaucracy, preserve its power, and continue its control. They are extremely afraid of what Donald Trump will do to dismantle the Deep State’s bureaucracies.
To preserve its power, the Deep State will increase its undermining of Biden in the coming weeks up till the August 19th Democratic National Convention.
After that, if Biden doesn’t step down, true or circumstantial evidence will come out that will be damning to Biden, forcing him to obey Obama and get out of the race or face the consequences.
Expect Horrific disclosures.
4) Donors are leaving.
Biden’s abysmal performance during the debate confirmed the fact that he cannot be president or even effectively campaign.
That’s why top Democrat donors have been fleeing—donors essential for Biden to win.
Incidentally, one of the top donors who has been the most vocal against Biden is one of Obama’s best friends and business partners, Reed Hastings: “Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” Hastings said.
A friend of Obama’s would not have spoken out so forcefully if Obama had not agreed and had not given the okay.
Hollywood actor George Clooney, who just a few weeks before held a multimillion-dollar fundraiser for Biden with his friend former President Obama, now wants Biden to step down, saying: “I love Joe Biden, but we need a new nominee. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”
5) The Harris angle…
I’ve spoken about how Kamala Harris is not the optimal replacement for Biden.
In fact, Republicans and Democrats have long agreed that Harris is a terrible politician and would be a horrible president. It’s one of the few things they both agree on… call it a bipartisan agreement.
Why do they agree?
Because she’s proven inept at running for president.
In 2020, she was the first candidate to withdraw from the presidential primary race—she barely received 2% support.
In many ways, she is a joke, and if they do back Harris, Obama’s marketing team would be better off keeping her locked in a basement while the election was going on… like they did with Joe.
One of the few things in Harris’ favor is that she has the support of Blacks and pro-abortion activists and voters, and Obama’s marketing team can do a remarkable job of making her look smart and presidential.
As they did with Biden, they can run her campaign messages through prerecorded videos and marketing materials.
Kamala Harris is vice president because Obama wanted her to be Biden’s VP…. And eventually president.
What is often forgotten is the odd and strange relationship between Harris and Obama that existed when Harris was an Attorney General in California… and later Senator.
I’m sure that Michelle Obama was not a fan of this relationship… But Obama is.
Because she’s vice president and because she already has access to Biden/Obama’s team of hand-picked bureaucrats, marketing machines, Donors, and favorability with Black and pro-abortion voters, she will most likely replace Biden to become the Democrat presidential candidate going into the 2024 election in November… And Obama would be happy with that.
But as I said in my article, Election Insider: Harris to the Supreme Court? RFK Shocker and Two Other Must-Read Intelligence. Get the Inside Scoop… there are ways to entice Harris from running for president with something that would be attractive to her, such as a seat on the Supreme Court.
But Michelle Obama is the one person who could replace Harris, beat Trump, rally all the factions within the Democratic Party, including Independents and “persuadable,” and keep the Black coalition together.
She could be what I’ve called the “August Surprise” in Chicago.
I believe “August Surprise” has been in the works, but the debate crushed Obama’s plans, and everyone is now in a panic and scrambling.
It will be interesting to see what transpires.
Keep in mind that powerful forces are at work, and their goal is to maintain control and power.
And whoever Obama and the Deep State thinks can best accomplish that—Biden, Harris, Michelle, or anyone else– that’s who will be the Democratic nominee.
Action Steps:
1) Pray for our country.
2) Volunteer, donate (money/time), and vote to replace these radicals in Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency.
3) Order my new book, The Great Deception: 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream
In Chapter 12, “Understanding Modern Democrat Campaign Strategies,” we delve into the world of contemporary political warfare and expose the intricacies of Understanding Modern Democratic Campaign Strategies.
Learn how to leverage social media, embrace microtargeting, and collaborate with influencers to amplify your message. Discover new strategies beyond imitation, empowering Republicans to take the lead in the digital campaign era.
The Great Deception: 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream exposes lies, myths, and distortions from the media and politicians.
It gives you answers and solutions to turning America around…
It allows you to share these dangers and a solution to cutting through the deception with friends and family.
It exposes under-the-radar and little-known behind-the-scenes reasons America is falling
backward and how to make it move again.
Craig Huey is a business owner, marketing expert, author, and former American Republican Party candidate who owns two direct marketing companies as well as several websites that provide guidelines for voting. Considered an expert in direct response and digital marketing, Huey has helped turn several companies into multimillion dollar corporations with advanced data targeting and integrated marketing. Election Forum - Reality Alert News Letter
Articles of History…
From NPR: Remembering 1968: LBJ Surprises Nation With Announcement He Won't Seek Re-Election – 3/25/2018
From Bill of Rights Institute: Lyndon B. Johnson's Decision Not to Run in 1968
From What Happened When LBJ Announced He Wouldn’t Run – 3/30/2018
From ABC News: When president Lyndon B Johnson decided not to run for re-election, Chicago's Democratic National Convention descended into chaos – 7/27/24
From American Minute with Bill Federer: "Landslide Lyndon" and the assassination of a President – 7/1/24
Coalition Connections…
Editor’s note:
The CPR group activities segment continues to shine a spotlight on member organizations, affiliates. or allies. We know new patriots are awakening each day across the nation, and as ‘necessity breeds invention,’ the CPR seeks to work with additional Christian, conservative, groups as they work to organize, mobilize, and actively respond to the current clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.
From Strike Force of Prayer: No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper – July 2024
From United Sovereign Americans (USA) via Stern America: CEO, Marly Hornik on Stern America – Stern Election Security Call – 7/10/24
From Citizens In Action: USA Resolution in Los Altos Hills, CA – 6/20/24
From Last Call Radio Show: An answer to prayer? - w/ JD Rivera – 7/13/2024
From Safe Kids Now Network: "I was abandoned in Mexico City at age 15" – 5/30/24
From Camp Constitution: The Weekly Sam: Are Compulsory School Attendance Laws Good for America? By Samuel Blumenfeld – 7/6/24
ICYMI > From Election Integrity Project®California: The Path to a VALID Election in 2024 United Sovereign Americans (USA) is Leading the Way – 7/2/24