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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
Many people in the United States have taken Freedom for granted; many believed that Freedom was a ‘given.’ Nevertheless, when people previously immigrated here legally from the countries behind the Iron Curtain, or escaped here from other Communist nations, or from dictatorships in other lands, they could see a number of similarities in our government and the ones they left behind. Many feared to speak up, out of habit, and others spoke up, only to be marginalized or silenced by those who recognized such freedom of speech as a threat. Even when our citizens began to speak up about the loss of our freedoms, the mainstream media moguls or operatives of the globalist elite would also mock, marginalize or silence them.
The greatest example of this is the running battle between Donald J. Trump and the enemies of our nation as it was founded (and there are many). Americans have been given a real ongoing demonstration, or education, showing the difference between a democracy and a Republic over the past decades, compliments of the Democrat Party and the agents of disunion or destruction. But, this is not a Democrat vs. Republican view of America’s current state of affairs. The better perspective is that there are agents of disunion or destruction within both political parties who care little about the founding ideals of the nation or who are outright opposed to the bedrock principles of the Land of the Free. This is readily observable, yet most citizens have not looked at our nation through such lenses in such a way for a long time.
Donald Trump had a lot to do with manifesting such a way of reexamining our country and the very structure and operation of “politics as usual.” Because he taught American citizens what he knew and how he viewed the paradigm of our political reality, those who were so entrenched in the status quo marshalled various forces against him. We the People have witnessed this war against Trump for quite some time.
Yet, the fight against the nation as it was founded had been in motion for even longer – likely from the very beginning. The nation was almost a “flash in the pan” phenomenon – in other words, “very short lived.” If the War of 1812 had turned out differently, America would have died in infancy. Thank God it did not. But in that same time frame, the organized deviation from the ideals of America was conceived through a formidable political party. Americans simply thought it was “politics as usual.” This simplistic and naive perspective allowed for the near destruction of our nation at the time of the Civil War. There are still deep scars haunting the nation from that horrific period of our history.
Sadly, Americans have never fully come to terms with the many forms of destruction that were inflicted upon the nation during that horrendous war. Modern headlines about the evils of “White Supremacy” and reparations for the damages of slavery pop up every now and then. These are representative of open wounds that the nation has not yet recovered from. In fact, these wounds are the weak points that Marxists and many other enemies of the Republic take advantage of to divide our people – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Yet in 2015, two men emerged from the private sector to run for POTUS: Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Both were exposing the enemies of America in their own ways. Dr. Carson made it clear in his campaign that our political paradigm was not one of Democrat vs. Republican, but one of political elitists and opportunists vs. We the People. As Trump continued his campaign and went on to win the position of POTUS, he became a lightning rod attracting the enemies of the nation as it was founded. That Trump is still alive is a miracle. That he is still fighting for our ideals and founding principles is a miracle. Trump understands We the People.
This edition of the CPR Lifeline Advisory is dedicated to the restoration of national identity as a free people. We have surrendered our sovereignty as the ones who are in charge of the nation; we have lost sight of the “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” over the course of several years. As we begin 2025, hope exists that regular citizens could reclaim their ownership of true citizenship and move past the spectator mentality of the past. It is now the right time for We the People to reclaim proactive patriotism and participation in our Republic.
We are offering a single featured message today and it is an article I wrote in 2022, which was during another mid-term election year following the shocking ‘election’ of Joe Biden as POTUS in 2020. In that year, many traitorous activities were perpetuated and new ones initiated against not only Trump, but his allies. Trump had pointed out numerous times that the attacks would be against the American people as well, and it became more and more apparent that the attacks were also directed against American ideals, principles and values.
My article is from 2022 – just two short years ago, but it seems like a long time, and so much has changed in that short time. However, the article is about George Washington and the very first inauguration: “George Washington’s oath of office as POTUS.” Citizens have recently witnessed the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th POTUS, and one thing that was of minor importance during this ceremony was that Trump did not place his hand on the Bible for some, if not all of the ceremony. It became an issue on social media, and an item on fact-check sites. And, we should all be comforted that Snopes, the paragon of truth in our age, exonerated Trump, even if he had not touched the Bible during the ceremony. Snopes assures us that it “is not a requirement for any public oath of office in the United States, and failure to do it does not make the oath invalid. Rather, the practice of placing a hand on the bible while taking an oath of office is an informal convention without any legal meaning.”
However, placing one’s hand on the Bible was a tradition that began with George Washington, but even the first time may have been botched had it not been for a quick thinking official, the Bible may not have been present at the swearing in ceremony. According to today’s article:
…despite the extensive preparations and detailed planning for the ceremony, as the presidential parade carrying Mr. Washington by horse-drawn carriage approached Federal Hall, someone realized that no one had secured a Holy
Bible for the actual swearing-in part of the ceremony. It is reported that the
parade marshal, Jacob Morton, rushed off and brought back a King James Bible that was laid upon a crimson velvet cushion held by Samuel Otis,
Secretary of the Senate. George Washington Inaugural Bible
It should be noted that many elected officials have placed their hands upon the Bible, yet the nation is still suffering from anemic leadership. It is not the Bible that creates the conditions to do right; it is that which is within a person’s heart and mind that provides the conviction and courage to do what is right and to be truly loyal to the Republic.
Editor’s note: Previously, several readers have suggested that the “True U.S. History” classes that were taught before in the COVID time, would resume. We are going to ask all our readers if there is any desire to literally ‘see’ a return of those ½ hour sessions dealing with America as a nation linked to the Providence of God. We would truly be interested to know if our readers are willing to tune in to a weekly podcast to get a post-education (most of our readers are graduates from some educational system in their home nations) education on God’s Providence moving beyond biblical narratives into the present. We are asking for a reply to this edition, as a new year’s resolution to arm yourselves with a unique understanding of U.S. history. Consider it as taking one step toward arming oneself with a history of America that is not currently taught in the educational system in the United States. Just type “yes, let me know more” and hit ‘reply’ and send your response back to us via the email from whom you received this newsletter. Or comment in Substack. We’ll send information on what the U.S. History course would cover. Based on the information provided, readers can decide if they are willing to take advantage of the opportunity. A lack of response will send a clear message.
We hope readers take in as many of the features and intelligent perspectives that may be of interest. Don’t get greedy! Only absorb what you can easily digest! Read, enjoy, absorb and as always, if readers believe the perceptions of our writers are worthy of others’ attention, please share today’s articles and links to the important stories of the news cycle with those whom you hope would benefit from the Citizen Sentinels Network.
Additionally, we would like readers to know that one major problem we encountered last year is the issue of Yahoo links that were broken when readers try to access videos. We hope readers will alert us to broken links because we cannot always know once the newsletter has been sent. We do test the links before we send the newsletters, but some may not get discovered. Our real hope is that you enjoy this edition and take in as many of the features that may interest you and share articles and links to articles with those whom you believe would benefit from the content. Or simply, advise them to go to Substack and get a free subscription – Citizen Voice on Substack
George Washington’s oath of office as POTUS
By Dennis Jamison 10/1/2022
If Americans look across the nation in this highly-divisive, electrically-charged election year, a majority may be clueless as to the deep rift that has widened between families, friends, associates, and even complete strangers over politics. However, many others are very aware of a deeper widening divide over political philosophies and subsequent policies and procedures in governing. The very barbed and biting rhetoric in the public speeches, the increase of ‘random’ violence on city streets and the pervasive anger, fear and uncertainty all add to increased division. It seems as if we are now becoming a “Divided States of America” at an ever increasing pace. For those who are awake, it is a time of great concern and a yearning for a much more decisive, definitive resolution.
This is undeniably a time of turbulence and a time of tribulation – even for those who have not awakened completely. There are also many wise people who realize this, but even those with just plain common sense can recognize this is not a normal time in history. Some Americans believe that the nation is on the verge of a Civil War. Many others are ready to take up arms because they sense their freedoms and their precious rights are being trampled without due recourse for a civil way for redress of grievances.
In my own sense, for what it is worth, the nation is in a state of upheaval on several levels in multiple arenas and not just in the physical dimension. Spiritual leaders and prophets have commented a great deal about the spiritual war that is raging in America and across the world. Thus, resolution must be brought on the different levels as well as the different arenas and resolution must come to the spiritual or cosmic battle that is being waged at such a time as this. However, regarding this political battle that exists, it would seem that a physical solution would not be complete. It truly appears that Divine Intervention is required for a comprehensive resolution.
If this is truly the case, America may be facing a political civil war, but the nation also, simultaneously, may be facing a renewal of its covenant and mandate with Heaven. The “leaders” of this nation, within several sectors of society, have seriously failed to keep America “on track” with its founding principles and in alignment with God’s Will for this nation. Yes, it only follows that if God helped in conceiving this nation in Liberty, He had an original purpose behind the creation of the Land of the Free. Yet as mentioned, this nation is being shaken to its very core. The nation was supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is no longer. y more reflective of an entrenched bureaucracy of the government, by the government, and for the government.
America in October of 2022, is in the midst of a highly charged mid-term election. Sadly however, a majority of Americans have lost their God-given ability to discern differences between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ candidates. Thus, never before in our nation’s history has such an anemic level of discernment been capable of endangering Americans with loss of our God-given rights. If citizens cannot, or will not, make intelligently-based decisions regarding leadership that affects the future of the nation, they have no excuse, nor any right of complaint about the outcome of their Intellectual ineptitude or physical laziness. But, in a Democratic Republic, it generates adverse consequences for all the citizens.
God gave Americans inalienable rights for a purpose. Yet, 20 some years into the new millennium, it appears that Americans have fallen back into the status of citizens living before the War for Independence - people seem apathetic because they have little hope their voice matters, or their vote makes any difference. A sense exists that they are no longer respected, no longer trusted, and no longer viewed as valued members of the society. Yet, the colonists were awakened to their plight when they could comprehend their true value, and they had never tasted freedom before. God was behind this.
It is likely that many Americans today can sense what their ancestors faced each day in relation to their own government’s condescension and disrespect for their rights as British citizens. Yet, the First Great Awakening did much in that time to help colonists realize their own value in relation to God’s Providence. The current awakening of many Americans is beginning for some to perceive their responsibility for ownership of the Republic. Especially, many people of faith realize that the birth of the Land of the Free was not just a physical or political phenomenon. I humbly submit that God worked in the minds and hearts of sincere, faith-filled men and women to lay a righteous foundation to create this nation – He had a Divine Purpose. And, herein lies the missing conception regarding the birth of the Land of the Free and of the need for America’s rebirth.
America was born through Divine Intervention – God working, in those turbulent days, in cooperation with and through the individuals who would submit to His Will and heed the call to help build a better nation centered upon His ideals and His principles. That is why such principals and values are so hard to live up to. The nation’s foundation was only a foundation, not the perfection of such ideals. However, brave and brilliant people gave it their all to do what was needed to build the Land of the Free.
One great testimony to that cooperation with God in helping to build this nation, often overlooked by secular historians, is offered by George Washington. I posted bits of such a testimony in an article titled, “George Washington and his gratitude to God,” in April of 2014. It is in direct opposition to narratives being offered by the secular humanists and those materialistic-historical revisionists providing false intellectual fodder for the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory. There are those who often attempt to rewrite history “in their own image,” with their agenda-driven views, but truth is truth. Some excerpts from that article provide Washington’s witness:
“On April 30, 1789, George Washington, dressed in a plain brown broadcloth suit, stood on the second balcony of Federal Hall in New York City before approximately 10,000 spectators, and swore the oath of office to affirm his determination to fulfill the duties of the new President of the United States…
Nevertheless, despite the extensive preparations and detailed planning for the ceremony, as the presidential parade carrying Mr. Washington by horse-drawn carriage approached Federal Hall, someone realized that no one had secured a Holy Bible… for the actual swearing-in part of the ceremony. It is reported that the parade marshal, Jacob Morton, rushed off and brought back a King James Bible that was laid upon a crimson velvet cushion held by Samuel Otis, Secretary of the Senate. Robert Livingston, who had been one of the original committee of five that drafted the Declaration of Independence, had been chosen to administer the oath because he was the highest ranking judicial official in New York.
As several other distinguished officials… appeared on the balcony with Washington, they directly witnessed the ceremony. The King James Bible was opened, and Washington placed his left hand upon it, raised his right hand, and repeated the words of the oath of office, which he had helped to write. It is also reported that after the official oath, Washington said “so help me God,” and bent down and kissed the open Bible… like many of the generation of founders, George Washington firmly believed in a divine entity that they recognized for assistance in helping to establish the miraculous experiment that became known as the United States of America.
In reality, Washington’s inaugural address that he delivered right after reciting the oath was quite an expression of faith – his words included his personal gratitude to God…
…it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either. No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.
Unfortunately, the nation has changed since the days of Washington and many of the founding generation, and as Americans lost touch with their heritage… Washington and the Framers of the Constitution had faith in an “Almighty Being” and did not want to limit worship. In ending his inaugural address Washington concluded with these words:
I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once
more to the benign parent of the human race, in humble supplication that since He has been pleased to favour the American people, with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of Government, for the security of their Union, and the advancement of their happiness; so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.
Again, Washington, like… other Framers of the Constitution had faith in an “Almighty Being” and did not want to limit worship of the Almighty, or God, nor to limit the freedom of others of faith in pursuit of religious practices. These men had their own relationship with God, and felt it was a personal issue, and not an issue the government had any right to restrict. Yet, self-serving prophets of atheism have seized the initiative and manipulated contemporary perception of what the Framers intended. This is an outrageous injustice, and anyone in the U.S. government who has permitted this to continue should be suspect in what their true motivation is in serving the people. In addition, religious factions should cease fighting amongst themselves, and start fighting the loss of religious values or the loss of religious liberty.”
In Washington’s Farewell Address, in September of 1796, he expressed the view that religion and morality were dual pillars of support for political stability and success and “props of the duties of men and citizens.” But of the two, he cautioned that based upon reason and experience, the nation’s morality could not survive without adherence to religious principle. Washington witnessed directly Divine Intervention – God working in in cooperation with him and through other individuals who submitted to His Will and who heeded the call to help build a nation centered upon His ideals and His principles.
The essential question is whether enough Americans can reconnect to their heritage to restore the Republic, meaning to use their God-given discernment to make intelligent decisions and wise choices in choices of leadership. Will citizens “acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men” once again? If God helped once; He is willing to help re-create this nation. But, are we willing to make the investment of sweat, tears and blood?
A Bit of History…
From CBS News: The very first inauguration – 1/20/2013
From ABC 7 News (NY): New York City's Federal Hall hosts the first presidential inauguration of George Washington on April 30, 1789 – 1/20/2025
From SKY News: Ten important US presidential inaugurations - and one that went wrong – 1/20/2017
From The American Minute with Bill Federer: Inauguration History – 1/19/2025
From The National Constitution Center: On this day, George Washington becomes President – 4/30/2025
From The American Minute with Bill Federer: Early Inaugural Addresses acknowledge God, Scriptures, Faith – 1/7/2025
From The National Constitution Center: What constitutional duties are placed on the President Elect? – 1/6/2017
Coalition Connections…
Editor’s note:
The CPR group activities segment continues to shine a spotlight on member organizations, affiliates. or allies. We know new patriots are awakening each day across the nation, and as ‘necessity breeds invention,’ the CPR seeks to work with additional Christian, conservative, groups as they work to organize, mobilize, and actively respond to the current clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.
From Strike Force of Prayer: Pray for Our President & His Administration! – 2025
From Camp Constitution: The Problems with the 14th Amendment: A Presentation by Pastor David Whitney – 1/25/25
From Every Black Life Matters: Trump’s Executive Orders Are Good—But They Need to Be Permanent – 1/23/25
From Canada Free Press by Jack Gleason: Fighting for Freedom of Speech – 1/20/25
From Last Call Radio Show w/ B.J. Edwards: He’s Not John The Baptist also The J-6 Litmus Test – 1/18/2025
From Students for Life of America — SFL Action: New Students for Life of America/SFLAction You Gov Poll Shows the YOUTH VOTE Open to Pro-Life Perspectives; Supports Services for Mothers; & Rejects the Biden Administrations’ Agenda – 1/16/25
From Passage To Liberty: Beware Prepaid Card Piracy – 12/19/25
ICYMI > From Canada Free Press by A. Dru Kristenev: Passing the firefighting buck to a ghost – 1/12/25
ICYMI > From Last Call Radio Show w/ B.J. Edwards: 1/04/2025 It's Your Move in 2025 – 1/4/25
ICYMI > From Liberty Christian Fellowship: John 16 The Holy Spirit Helps Us Do The Will Of God