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From the Founder…
"Gong hei fat choy" (恭喜发财), (the common way to say 'Happy Lunar New Year' in Cantonese. It literally means “Wishing one good fortune,” or 'Wishing you happiness and prosperity.' And, if readers did not feel successful in getting 2025 off to the right start, they can always switch from the solar calendar to the lunar calendar, and start on the brand new lunar year. Possibly, a redo could include a whole new list of new year’s resolutions!
On January 17, of this year, the main focus the CPR Lifeline Advisory was dedicated to Benjamin Franklin and the main article was one I had written and posted on January 17, 2017: Honoring Ben Franklin The article shed some light on Dr. Franklin’s prophecy of how it would be possible to lose the Republic. While many articles feature his conversation with Mrs. Powell as he shared with her what kind of government the Founding Fathers created via the Constitution, many forget his prophetic warning.
Nevertheless, this is a unique Founder’s Focus in that it links Benjamin Franklin to Confucius (551–479 BC) in the main article, which I wrote in 2017 (the Chinese year of the rooster). That was after Donald Trump’s first inauguration. One basic understanding that is lost in our nation’s history is that Franklin was even more of a universal type of person than we realize. Not only he had personal connections to the American Indians, he studied Confucian thought. What the Left want people to remember about Franklin is that he owned slaves. Of course they would want people to believe that is more critical than any of the other of Franklin’s achievements in life. And, by the way, he freed his slaves and as he started a school in Pennsylvania, he admitted children of all colors! That part is not shared in the Leftist narratives. Franklin also studied the Chinese civilization and Confucius and admired his ideas a lot. This is being discovered more recently, despite the Communist dominion of China.
So, this edition of our Founder’s Focus recognizes the Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, and the unique connection between Ben Franklin and the Chinese moral philosopher
Confucius. Franklin is known by scholars to have studied Confucius and his teachings. The core of their teachings are similar even though Confucius lived in China just before the time of Esther in Hebrew history (in the Jewish Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible), which was 400 years before Jesus. It is quite a distance of time and in geographical distance. In my humble opinion, it represents the definitive reality of God teaching His children in ways they can understand wherever they live in whatever time they have lived. Truth is truth.
We offer an array of links to relevant articles on history as well. it is always a good idea grow one’s mind by reviewing relevant information – it helps us make informed decisions in our day.
Previously, several readers suggested that the “True U.S. History” classes that were taught before in the COVID time, would resume. We are going to ask all our readers if there is any desire to literally ‘see’ a return of those ½ hour video sessions dealing with America as a nation linked to the Providence of God. We would truly be interested to know if our readers are willing to tune in to a weekly podcast to get a post-education (most of our readers are graduates from some educational system in their home nations) education on God’s Providence moving beyond biblical narratives into the present. We are asking for a reply to this edition, as a new year’s resolution to arm yourselves with a unique understanding of U.S. history. Consider it as taking one step toward arming oneself with a history of America that is not currently taught in the educational system in the United States. Just type “yes, let me know more” and hit ‘reply’ and send your response back to us via the email from whom you received this newsletter. Or comment in Substack. We’ll send information on what the U.S. History course would cover. Based on the information provided, readers can decide if they are willing to take advantage of the opportunity. A lack of response will send a clear message.
We hope our readers take in as many of the features that may interest you. Don’t get greedy - only absorb what you can easily digest! Then be sure and share the articles and links to aggregates with those whom you believe would benefit from intelligent perspectives throughout the 2024 election year.
Chinese New Year, Confucius, and Ben Franklin
By Dennis Jamison - January 29, 2017
As people around the world began the Chinese New Year yesterday, few people would have the audacity to make a connection between the holiday and Benjamin Franklin. Yet, at the heart of the actual celebration of Chinese New Year is the application of some of the precepts that Confucius taught centuries ago, and some of what Ben Franklin wrote about is in alignment with Confucian teaching. Unfortunately, Americans have a strong tendency to forget their own history; so, it is not unusual for American citizens to have forgotten Ben Franklin, but it is much more of a stretch to remember much about Confucius.
It is even more likely that very few people throughout the world would make a connection between the Asian festival at the start of the new lunar year and Ben Franklin, yet in the realm of ideas and ideals there is not that much distance except for the time period. Confucius lived and taught in China 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, at a time in which the Buddha was sharing his thought with the people of India. Franklin lived in the turbulent period of colonial America which experienced the creation of the United States of America. However, despite the difference in the time and geographic areas, it is likely that had Franklin met Confucius on a street in Philadelphia in the late 1700s, they may have had quite a discussion about Chinese New Year.
The Asian tradition of celebrating the New Year originated more than 4,000 years ago, especially being regularly celebrated in China throughout this period of history despite the political upheavals and revolutions within China. Chinese New Year today represents a combination of religious and secular rituals that have primarily stemmed from practices in Confucianism and Daoism, as well as Buddhism. It is also now referred to as the Spring Festival and celebrated by roughly one-sixth of the world’s population. Yet, at the heart of the joyful celebrations is the Asian family unit – especially in China.
The Lunar New Year begins and progresses with a very fundamental link between religious beliefs of the people as performed through the traditional ceremonies or ritual activities. However, the family is at the very center of the various days of involvement in the festivities.
This family focus has been passed down through the ages from the heart of Confucian beliefs, which are still taught to some degree in the Communist Chinese school system, much for the purpose of the maintenance of social order and stability as opposed to permitting the free exercise of faith among the people. Confucius taught that a healthy and harmonious family at the heart of the society would produce a healthy and stable society.
Confucian thought focused upon the practice of behaviors that would promote a healthy and harmonious family because the family unit was at the core of the society. The ultimate goal of Confucius was the establishment of a peaceful world. He perceived the key to such a pursuit as the harmonious family. Yet, at the base of each family was the individual, and thus the core of such a key to world peace was the individual.
When the personal life is cultivated, the family will be regulated; when the family is regulated, the state will be in order; and when the state is in order, there will be peace throughout the world. From the Son of Heaven down to the common people, all must regard cultivation of the personal life as the root or foundation.
In essence, Confucius was trying to convey through his teachings that the cultivation of one’s personal life was linked to the foundation of world peace. For Confucius, each person should be guided in their life development to pursue what he referred to as ren (jen) in Chinese. Ren according to Confucius was “love of man,” or the love of humanity. This concept, to be clear according to Confucian philosophy, is a more natural love of one’s fellow human beings, which can be cultivated through proper education, and which is practiced differently with regard to different human relationships. For example Confucius referred to the cultivated feeling of filial piety towards one’s parents as Xiao (hsiao), and referred to the cultivated feeling of loyalty or the respect toward one’s superiors (lords, emperors, or employers) as Zhong (chung).
The cultivation of ren, according to Confucius, was obtained through disciplined practice, and the ideal of morality, as well as the highest goal of education. The ancient Chinese master was clear in his teachings that the realization of ren came through the transformational process of the continual practice of li, or ritual or proper ceremony. In Confucian philosophy, li is able to be cultivated through the use of deliberate devices of the sages in their educational guidance. In very simple understanding li is the practice of right behavior within society, or within the various relationships people have with one another. This concept shares a common premise as the pursuit of virtue that was a focus of Benjamin Franklin and many of the founders.
In Franklin’s day, and to many of the founders, the pursuit of happiness meant the pursuit of virtue – not the pursuit of pleasure as it is interpreted in many contemporary realms across America today. Many of the Founding Fathers, being well read in the Greek Classics, were aware of ancient Greek philosophers who proclaimed that the development of the individual through the pursuit of virtue was the most noblest of human pursuits, and the founders also held that the pursuit of happiness consisted in the pursuit of virtue. Plato, in The Republic, boldly stated that only those who were moral were the ones who could truly be happy. Additionally, Aristotle wrote that the goal of human thought and action was ‘eudaimonia,’ which is translated as a type of human flourishing in activity that exhibited virtue.
At the core of the fundamental precepts of The Declaration of Independence are the radical words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” Certainly, to the founders, the pursuit of virtue was at the heart of the phrase: “pursuit of happiness.” Yet, perhaps more than any of the founders, it was Benjamin Franklin who would attempt an overt effort at what Confucius would call li.
Amazingly, when Ben Franklin was only 20 years old, he determined to cultivate his own character by practicing thirteen key virtues, with a focus upon one each week. He sincerely believed that through the daily practice of the specific virtues, he would become a better man and obtain a measure of moral perfection. Franklin wrote more about this plan of personal character development in his autobiography than he wrote regarding any other point being referenced. His rationale: “I hope… that some of my descendants may follow the example and reap the benefit.”
It does not publicly appear that Ben Franklin ever read anything of Confucian thought, but there is a common thread of truth that runs through each of these great men’s teachings. Confucius (551–479 BCE) perceived 500 years before the coming of Jesus Christ, the way of genuine peace could be obtained through proper education and the continual practice of right behavior towards one’s fellow human beings. Although Confucius did not teach about loving one’s enemies, he understood forgiveness. Franklin had the benefit of Jesus’ teachings and did believe in the concept of forgiveness. Nonetheless, Franklin held this very Confucian-like perspective:
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.
Despite the differences in time and place, both Confucius and Franklin may have been able to celebrate Chinese New Year together as each is reflective of the good, possibly even the best, of each of their respective cultures. They each shaped their nations in ways that the descendants should value.
Hopefully, within the fifteen days of formal Chinese New Year’s celebrations, their descendants should take some time with which to reflect upon the wisdom of the two great men, make new year’s resolutions to begin their personal pursuit of virtue, and the practice of ren. That would be much more substantial than worshipping a rooster!
Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Virtues
Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Silence. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e. waste nothing.
Industry. Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloths, or habitation.
Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
Thomas Jefferson on Dr. Benjamin Franklin:
When I arrived at the Second Continental Congress, I was 33 years old and Dr. Franklin was fully a generation older than I was and he was famous. He was well-known for Poor Richard's Almanac, for his scientific experiments, for his creation of a voluntary fire department and a circulating library. He was also known for his diplomatic work. He had already spent a good deal of time in Great Britain trying to sort things out between us and the home country. He had a reputation that was cosmopolitan and extraordinary and at that time, I was an unknown person — a young man from Virginia, exceedingly shy.
A Bit of History
From The American Minute w/ Bill Federer:Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706-April 17, 1790) – 1/1/25
From The Heritage Foundation: A Republic If You Can Keep It – 7/3/2002
From The National Constitution Center: Benjamin Franklin’s last great quote and the Constitution – 11/13/2023
From The American Minute w/ Bill Federer: How do Politicians become Corrupt? "The Love of Power and the Love of Money" warned Franklin – 1/30/2024
From Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (Reset DOC): History: Benjamin Franklin and Chinese Civilization – 9/5/2007
From The History News Network (HNN): What we get wrong about Ben Franklin’s ‘a republic, if you can keep it’ – 10/29/2019
From Canada Free Press by Dennis Jamison: Happy Birthday Benjamin Franklin (1706) – A Great American for All Americans to Know – 1/17/24
From PBS: Watch Benjamin Franklin: A Ken Burns Film | Full Documentary available
From The Thought Company: 47 Confucius Quotes That Still Ring True Today
From The Thought Company: Accomplishments of the Ancient Chinese
“Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage."