CSN - LightWing Messages - Sunday - Reflecting on Independence - 7/7/2024
The Ten Commandments
And God spoke all these words:
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
“You shall have no other gods before me.
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
“You shall not murder.
“You shall not commit adultery.
“You shall not steal.
“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” Exodus 20:1 - 20 (NIV)
Note from behind the scenes:
This is Jack Meyer. I help Dennis each week by uploading his newsletter to substack and getting it out to you. I apologize that it is late this week. I have no excuse other than our process was slightly different than our routine, and that is no excuse at all. This week’s is a great newsletter. Please fit it into your busy weekday schedule!
This past week Americans citizens celebrated the birthday of our nation. In just the two weeks preceding Independence Day, there were a number of political ramifications from key significant events that may have stunned Americans to start thinking about the state of our union beyond what the mainstream media is hoping people will swallow. In this time, intelligent decisions that are rooted in the fundamental principles of our Judeo-Christian heritage will be of great help in the existential crisis that our nation is facing in our 248th year (sort of).
In reality, as we celebrate our nation’s birthday, we are primarily celebrating the vote to adopt the Declaration of Independence, which was taken by a bunch of renegade deplorables who took it upon themselves to do what they sensed God was calling them to do. Those not up to par on American history, need to understand that the United States was only a concept in July of 1776. The Declaration of Independence did not establish the U.S. as a nation among the community of nations. Only six and a half years of war, with much bloodshed and death could only establish the foundation for the Land of the Free. America was not free in 1780, four years after the Declaration – colonists were still immersed in the fight for Freedom, and not entirely sure they would be free in that time.
Finally, in 1781, General Washington defeated the British at Yorktown with the help of French forces. Even then the United States was not easily able to join the constellation of nations as the peace treaty was not signed until 1783. Americans often lose sight of the struggles and serious sacrifices that had to be made to create a new nation. Much sweat and tears and blood by the patriots of the day went into such a foundation.
We celebrate July 4, 1776, as the date accepted when the will of the people conceived and determined to establish a land to honor Freedom itself, and to honor God by dedicating the land to the pursuit and preservation of Freedom where we could enjoy the inalienable rights He gave to His children through securing the fruits of Liberty.
Unfortunately, as evidenced in the past there are many who have the name of being American that do not celebrate, and are not concerned for our nation, or its future. But, beyond the apathy or lack of connectedness to our nation’s roots, there are other realms of people all across this nation who have little regard or respect for the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. They exhibit a disconnect between the blueprints and foundation of the nation as developed and defended through the sacrifice of blood and lives.
Today, American citizens would fail the test to rise to the occasion of standing up to the tyrants in our midst – on the various levels of government representing different dimensions of power.
Too many Americans in the time of Covid, showed their true colors, meaning they did not even question the authorities’ lockdown mandates. Many did question the authorities and emergency authorizations when it came to shut down the churches. But, many churches simply rolled over.
This same phenomenon happened in Germany in the 1930s as Hitler rose to power. Check out Eric Metaxas’ Letter to the American Church for a reality check.
As mentioned previously: “If the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” no longer represents the will of the people of faith, we have no one to point fingers at to play the blame game. We need to look into the mirrors of our souls, and brace for the truth. Truly, “We the People” need to regain control of the “Vineyard.”
The LightWing edition today offers two messages. The first is from the folks at Strike Force of Prayer; it is entitled aptly: “God, Bless America!” Without God, there will be no America in the future, and if He does continue to bless this nation, it would be a miracle after we essentially have turned the Land of the Free into a war zone. We definitely need His divine intervention.
The second message is one I offer from an article I wrote in 2022 just on the eve of election day that year. It is titled: “The Re-Birth of One Nation Under God.” And indeed, we desperately need a rebirth of the nation centered upon God. He is our hope, but we are also His hope. We are His feet, his arms and hands. We were meant to be co-creators with our Heavenly Father, and He needs His children to arise and reclaim the ownership of their citizenship before it is too late.
We hope our readers enjoy this LightWing edition as well as the aggregated messages we offer today. Please read, enjoy, absorb and share, and practice letting God’s light within you. We also hope our readers would consider becoming Citizen Sentinels’ messengers and pass this edition of the newsletter on to those who could welcome it. Or simply, invite them to go to our Substack platform and get a free subscription – Citizen Voice on Substack
Also FYI: we will not post a LightWing edition next Sunday, as the chief cook and bottle washer will be off the grid for a full week and will not be able to assemble a newsletter in that time. So, our next LightWing edition will be posted on July 21. Additionally, we remind readers that we will not have an online “MeetN” this Monday as well as the following Monday (14th). Sorry - we know you may miss us. – But, we will be back!
For those who are new readers to the Citizen Voice family of newsletters, please know we use an online platform for Monday virtual meetings to discuss the message(s) in the LightWing Messages. “MeetN” is the name of the platform, and the link information will not change from week to week. There is no need to send an email request to get added to our distribution list. We highly encourage our readers to join us in our MeetN calls. Readers can call in and check in with other like-minded readers for mutual support in such turbulent times. Our listeners will participate freely, or just listen.
To join these meetings click this url: https://meetn.com/vroom (room name is vroom)
No – MeetN call in the next two Mondays… – Join us Monday 7/22/24
These words are being sent to you as part of an effort that commenced based upon genuine inspiration from Heavenly Father. The LightWing Messages are the latest evolution and are intended to shine light onto our paths, as it was written: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 - KJV
May God bless all of our readers! May God bless America!
May we humble yourselves for a majority of Americans are less than reverent and often filled with false pride. May we re-orient our EGOs through genuine repentance. May we seek His face in continually, to help us in the rectitude of our ways. May we turn away from our wickedness - moving beyond anxiety, fear and ignorance. May we seek God’s vision in all that we do. May we earnestly seek His Kingdom and righteousness.
God, Bless America!
From Strike Force of Prayer
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 ~~~~~
Coming Before Lord God Heavenly Father Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today to give You thanks for forming America out of your heart, out of your desire and design for man and woman to live free in You.
Free to be in an unlimited relationship with You. Free to express our love for you. Free to practice and live out our Faith safely, without recrimination. Free to create living structures that honor, reflect and express our love for you — social structures, governmental and educational structures. Free to wear out Faith on our sleeve and be respected and safe.
Thank you for the victories that You are bringing to heal our land, our beloved America; to restore and return it to its original divine blueprint as One Nation Under God. Thank you for the source and font of our true and eternal freedom, Christ Jesus.
We stand on Your Word, that Jesus is King, and “The LORD will be King over all the earth. In that Day the LORD will be One and His name One,” according to Zechariah 14:9 as affirmed by Revelations 11:15 which says: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.”
Proclamations to Bless America
Psalm 33:12 proclaims: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” Blessed is America!
Isaiah 44:3 declares: "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.”
Pour out Your Spirit on America Lord God!
Exodus 19:5 promises: “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine.” Make America your treasured possession Heavenly Father!
Lord God, go forth and fight against the nations, the enemies of America, according to Zechariah 14:3. Destroy all the nations that come against us, according to Zechariah 12:9. Pour out the Spirit of Grace and of Supplications upon Americans, that they will look to Christ Jesus Whom they have pierced and will mourn for Him, according to Zechariah 12:10.
Let a fountain open for the inhabitants of America for the purification of sin and uncleanness, according to Zechariah 13:1. Cut off the names of all idols in our land so that they will no longer be remembered; and cause the false prophets and the unclean spirits to pass out of our lands, according to Zechariah 13:2.
God, Bless America!
Remove the veils and scales from the eyes and hearts of Americans that they may all see who are these false prophets and unclean spirits, their motives and agendas; and that they shall reject them and choose only the Spirit of Love, God the Father, and Jesus Christ Yeshua.
Lord God, make America a cup of trembling for all the people round about when they will be in siege against us. Make America a burdensome stone for all the peoples and parties gathered against us; that they will be severely injured, tho all the peoples of the earth are gathered together against us, according to Zechariah 12:2-3.
Heavenly Father, on account of Your faithful remnant that has been petitioning You day and night for the past 8 years, have compassion on America and answer us, that our hearts will rejoice in You Lord God, according to Zechariah 10: 6 & 7.
Thank you for delivering us from the land and hands of Egypt, from all the forms of captivity — spiritual, governmental, financial, psychological; and for bringing justice upon our jailers.
Thank you! Heavenly Father, for saving us, as Your flock, that we will be like the stones of a crown, life us as an ensign over America, Your land, according to Zechariah 9:16.
Genesis 12:2 promises: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” Thank you Heavenly Father! For making America a truly great nation, spiritually great in YOU! And for making us a beacon of hope in You for all the peoples of the world!
We are an Army of God committed to restoring America to its God Covenant; and growing, learning and strengthening as a unified body of spiritual warriors.
OUR PRAYER FOCUS: The warriors specifically focus on our nation, America, in the following ways:
Preserve and protect our Freedoms as outlined in the Bill of Rights & the Constitution!
Stop the march of Communism and fascism.
Secure all of our borders and stop the invasion.
Restore election, voter and ballot integrity in all 50 states, all territories at the local, county, state and federal levels.
Remove all corrupt media operations, organizations, people and entities; and replace with true integrous journalism, news and media.
Remove all corrupt officeholders and bureaucrats and replace with all and only godly men and women.
We need a rebirth of freedom and the commitment to pass it on to the future generations!
The Re-Birth of One Nation Under God
By Dennis Jamison ——Bio and Archives--November 7, 2022
In July of 2020 just after Independence Day, I offered a message that focused upon this nation of the United States of America. The message was titled: “Retaining Freedom - Through a Revolution of Heart.” In that article from July 5, 2020, I asked the readers: “‘...what was the primary impetus from the Founders to create a nation conceived in Liberty?’ I submit to readers that the impetus or inspiration was rooted in the dramatic escape from slavery from the ancient tyranny under the Pharoahs that existed in such a period in Ancient Egypt.’” It was definitely a monumental effort of “biblical proportions” to leave behind a 400 year history of slavery and move beyond it into freedom. Yet, the escape into freedom was not the total object of desire.
Of course, it may have been for some who consider that freedom entails no responsibility, or “nothing left to lose,” according to the old Janis Joplin lyrics. If this were the case, God would not have asked Moses to reveal the “Ten Commandments” to the people. For a people who had only know slavery from birth to death, they would need a way of sustaining their liberty, or they would lose it more easily than they worked to obtain their freedom. The initial Ten Commandments, were the foundation for a new form of ethical and moral governance.’
The Founders placed their trust in God. The question today is: Do we?
Tyranny was not the model God foresaw as the way for HIs children. However, it has been justified time and again throughout history as “God’s way.” The Pharaoh meant a current king in the lineage of the nation’s kings - the prolongation of the dominion of the select family or class of people. The concept of empire was a furtherance or expansion of a kingdom, in which many kingdoms could be ruled under the dominion of a single empire: the Parthian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the dynasties of ancient China and other Asian nations, the Holy Roman Empire, the British Empire (aka the United Kingdom) etc.
The concept of the “Divine Right of Kings” grew from such historical precedent. Yet, at one point, brilliant and brave men and women made up their minds and decided to not only declare independence from tyranny, but to fight for freedom at the cost of their lives. Tyranny was viewed as a failed system of government by America’s founding generation, and they not only perceived it as such, but they sought to end the dominion of the dominant tyrant of the age: the United Kingdom, which turned out to be not so united. Thus, it was not only a rejection of the value of monarchy, but of tyranny in the broader sense. It was not only an intellectual rejection complete with a very provocative proclamation, but it was the action of defiance and passive resistance initially, and then it became the action of very active resistance, and ultimately the serious act of rebellion against such dominion.
The separate American colonies were transformed into a United States of America via serious thought and planning as well as the actions necessary to secure the blessings of liberty. With the Hebrew transition into freedom in the Exodus narratives, the initial phase of securing freedom included a trust in a single individual who was seen as the one representing God. In the American experience, the trust was placed in Jesus, but as the words of the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence state, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence…” and specifically, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude mof our intentions…” The Founders placed their trust in God. The question today is: Do we?
Today, do Americans still hold to the self-evident truths?
The anchor or cornerstone of the United States was the self-evident truths that the founding generation believed in, embedded within the proclamation of the Declaration. However, a long time ago, a wise one of faith stated that: “The cost of Liberty is eternal vigilance.” Today, do Americans still hold to the self-evident truths? Some do; some do not. There is a precedent.
I would submit that Americans are no longer standing upon the virtual banks of the Red Sea, but as a populace we are symbolically standing at the base of the mountain as Moses brought down the self-evident truths as revealed by God on the mountaintop to deliver to the Hebrews at the base of the mountain. To many of the assembled impatient people, the Ten Commandments had no value – they were irrelevant. Those people had the Golden Calf, which not only showed a rejection of God through the representation of an idol, it represented the worship of material and a rejection of moral values. It also represented the rejection of Moses as spokesman of God and the rejection of the truth that God was sharing with the people at the time.
I would submit that Americans Today are standing at the base of the mountain and some see how sacred the self-evident truths are, and some see a simple piece of old dreamed parchment. And some amongst us, would like to burn that parchment – to shred the truth would like us to use to govern our nation. Some are looking to government in the way the Hebrews had normally viewed their enslavement – at least there was a roof over their heads and food to eat – caught in the material comfort zones of safety and predictable routine. Many wanted to return to Egypt even after escaping from dominion. Some sought freedom over material self preservation. They were a divided people.
Today, in America, we are a divided people
Today, in America, we are a divided people. We are in danger of repeating a tragedy in history – perhaps more than one. The vision and heritage of the Judeo-Christian foundation that we have obtained in this nation is seriously being threatened from within and from outside the borders. The self-evident truths that the founding generation were willing to fight for and even to die for, are the core of this battle raging across America in such a time as this. Americans need to get beyond the Red Sea moment to get to one of the main purposes of our freedom. I submit that the nation needs a re-birth of Freedom in order to retain and secure that this nation could become once again “One Nation Under God." Tuesday is Election Day, although in such time, it is more like election season because the more time it takes the more irregularities and manipulation involved in counting which can be made to appear as normal.
Our rebirth is truly linked to the understanding of “We the People” understanding that we need to realize that we are the ones who are the government, we are the sovereigns and we can re-establish our link to Heavenly Father, our covenant for our Republic and all that it would entail. It is not a time to not exercise our right to vote, to trust propaganda, or to give in to evil. We need to refresh our minds and hold to the self-evident truths that began this great experiment and to exercise the rights we still have by standing for what we value. It is a time of turning - like a U-turn, and a reversal of direction. We need a rebirth of freedom and the commitment to pass it on to the future generations!
Onward and Upward!
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