CSN Sunday LightWing Messages America’s Conviction to Stand United for Freedom - 8/11/2024
Moses and the Burning Bush
Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of My people in Egypt, and have heard them crying out because of their oppressors, and I know about their sufferings. I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and to bring them from that land to a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the territory of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. The Israelites’ cry for help has come to Me, and I have also seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. Therefore, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead My people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.”
But Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
He answered, “I will certainly be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I have sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will all worship God at this mountain.”
Then Moses asked God, “If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ what should I tell them?”
God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” God also said to Moses, “Say this to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation. Exodus 3:7-15 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Moses Argues with God
But Moses replied to the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent—either in the past or recently or since You have been speaking to Your servant — because I am slow and hesitant in speech.”
Yahweh said to him, “Who made the human mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, Yahweh? Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say.”
Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.”
Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses, and He said, “Isn’t Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, he is on his way now to meet you. He will rejoice when he sees you. You will speak with him and tell him what to say. I will help[l] both you and him to speak and will teach you both what to do. He will speak to the people for you. He will be your spokesman, and you will serve as God to him. And take this staff in your hand that you will perform the signs with.”
Exodus 4:10-17 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
A couple of Sundays ago, the LightWing Messages edition brought up the theme of the “Love of Liberty in our Legacy” CSN - LightWing Messages - Sunday - Love of Liberty in our Legacy - 7/28/2024 The featured message of Light in that edition was from Rev. Charles Finney and the title of his message was “Gospel Liberty.” He had delivered that message on August 16, 1843, a period of 18 years before a horrible and incredibly deadly “Civil War” broke out threatening the very fabric of the Liberty that Americans had enjoyed from the time of our substantiation of Independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. In his day, Finney was one of the great advocates for abolition of slavery. He was one of the great preachers of his day, credited with his revival efforts as the third phase of development of the Second Great Awakening in America.
Rev. Finney’s focus in his Gospel Liberty message seemed to me to be the internal ownership of a quest for Freedom. He dealt with the concept of the “yoke of bondage” and related such a yoke of bondage to the unreasonable bondage to the ceremonial law of the Judaic tradition in which he was immersed in earlier in his life – before his rebirth. His point was that the law of the religious leaders of his day had “no tendency to reform the heart.” He categorized the yoke of bondage as a universal principle, whether it is a precept of the Old or New Testament, and he
defined it as being any precept given to people as contrary to the state of mind in which one ‘holds’ at the moment, or any regulation or “…requirement, then, the spirit of which we have not, is to us a yoke of bondage.”
This is a bit complex, even for those who are spiritually inclined, but St. Paul’s concept is a bit complex as well, perhaps more appropriate for spiritually mature audiences primarily. Yet, it was Finney’s message that prompted me to write the lengthy message I offer up today (part 1). Those who read Finney’s message and missed his point, or those who failed to read it at all, must read his entire message, if you truly want to more fully grasp a more precise definition of the Freedom that most American citizens are so fond of enjoying, but less inclined to defending.
Especially, those who are seeking humbly after God’s Will, Finney’s message can be quite insightful and relevant for our own spiritual growth and maturation, but especially relevant to the citizens in the Land of the Free (or the current illusion of the Land of the Free).
The first part of my message (1500 + words) is to be followed with the second part of my message next week, but it lays the foundation for understanding the parallels (admittedly, as I see them) between the slavery the Hebrews suffered under for 400 years and the contemporary state of government mandates, regulations, requirements, and restrictions that Americans are dealing with in our time. It could be considered a stretch in logic or viewpoint, but nevertheless, I submit my perceptions for serious consideration. And such a perception is based upon a central point that Finney submitted in 1843 and that is:
Slavery is a state, in which a man feels constrained to choose between what he regards as two evils. He selects between two alternatives, both of which he abhors. He knows he must labor or be whipped, and he prefers labor to suffering, as the least of two evils. Slavery then, is where a person feels himself shut up to take a course, which on the whole, he does not love, but which he takes rather than to do worse. For example, a person in the marriage state without love, may discharge the outward duties of that relation during life, rather than to separate and sustain all the evils attendant on such a course. So a person may live under a government which he abhors, and yet, rather than subject himself to its frown, may meet all its requisitions. This is acting on the principle of slavery.
It is our hope that by sharing the next two messages in the LightWing editions, readers and hopefully a significant number of American citizens could deeply reflect on what they truly do prefer: slavery or Freedom. Another firebrand, long ago, expressed it very simply: “Give me Liberty or give me death.” This spirit was the spirit that sparked brave and brilliant men to see the choice more clearly. For those who identify as Christians, such words resonate with Jesus’ words of those seeking to lose their lives being able to gain them. Additionally, the message such as Finney offers could count as a strong standard of measurement for our lives of faith in such times as these.
For goodness to triumph, good people need to bring God into their daily lives, and with His vision, practice doing good, and constantly seek the Freedom of His domain. Make it so!
Again, for those who are new readers to the Citizen Sentinels Network of newsletters, please know we use an online platform for Monday virtual meetings to discuss the message(s) in the Sunday LightWing edition. “MeetN” is the name of the platform, and the link information will not change from week to the next. We highly encourage our readers to join us in our MeetN calls. Readers can call in and check in with other like-minded readers for mutual support in such turbulent times. Listeners may participate freely, or just listen.
Please join our LightWing “MeetN” calls on Mondays. We had a great session as Michael Ortega of the Strike Force of Prayer was interviewed last Monday night. However, just a reminder that we will not have an online “MeetN” next Monday due to a scheduling conflict.
For questions about the discussion group, please send an email to this address: d.jamzon@gmail.com
CSN LightWing Mission MeetN – Next call Monday 8/19/23 at 5:00pm PST
Normally => Mondays at 5pm PDT (6pm MDT; 7pm CDT; 8pm EDT)
We hope our readers will enjoy this edition and take in as many of the features that may interest you. But, don’t get greedy - only absorb what you can easily digest! Then be sure and share the articles and links to aggregates with those whom you believe would benefit from intelligent perspectives throughout the 2024 election year.
These words are being freely offered to you – intended to shine light unto our paths, as written: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 - KJV
Read, absorb and share, and practice what is within you. Become a force for goodness! Become the light!
May God bless our readers and all of their loved ones. May God bless All His Children!
May we humble ourselves, seek God’s face, honestly repent, and sincerely support our brothers & sisters in their personal pursuit of truth, righteousness, and goodness in such toxic and turbulent times. Let us honor those faith-filled families raising their children in faith-filled ways. May we honor, promote, and protect all who seek His Kingdom and His righteousness in this “great and terrible day of the Lord.”
Parallels between Slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt and the Current Atheistic Dominion over American Citizens of Faith (part I)
By Dennis Jamison 8/10/24
While those Americans who are somewhat familiar with our Judeo-Christian heritage would not easily see many parallels between the slavery of the Hebrew people in Egypt and the current condition of the American citizens, a case for such a comparison is possible. The Hebrews at the time of their enslavement had been descendants of Joseph, who came to Egypt as a slave himself. He was sold into slavery by his jealous, unloving brothers. However, it was better than their original plan of murdering him. Yet, in time Joseph became a principal advisor to the Pharaoh, and the Hebrew people after this enjoyed a favorable status in Egypt.
However, as time passed, leaders changed, and another Pharaoh saw the Hebrews as a real threat to the status quo, and reversed the situation of the Hebrews and all Egyptians began to treat the Hebrews as slaves. So, in one simple observation of a parallel, many of the people who had been brought to this nation by the British in the Jamestown colony were indentured servants, while some were brought as slaves, with little hope of obtaining their freedom. This was all under the governmental control of the British Empire.
When the “world was turned upside down” (the tune the British band played at the surrender of Yorktown), a nation was born with a commitment to Freedom for all. Yet, that was an ideal and not easy to make it a substantial reality until much further down the road because there were people in America who still embraced (or tolerated) the concept of slavery.
Eventually, the people elected a president who personally hated slavery, and the man we know as Lincoln was able to set the political mechanisms in motion for the abolition of slavery across the nation. This was a significant turning point in our nation’s history.
Yet, IMHO, this is a parallel only equivalent to the transformation of Egypt when Joseph was given his freedom to become a valued person in the court of the King of Egypt. The worldly conditions changed and enabled Joseph with a position of importance and he could invite his family and people to come and live under his protection. The Hebrews could thrive in such a free state in that moment. Additionally, for a time, Americans could live in relative freedom under the Constitutional Republic that had been established.
Yet, this is not the end of the story. The Hebrews were enslaved – a form of social conditioning and control over an entire population that believed in One God and not many gods or idols, as the people of the rest of the “civilized world” at the time would honor or worship. The Hebrews were different, and had been perceived as a threat to the established order of Pharaohs (the ”lineage of the kings”). Their slavery was enforced through a dominion of fear and ignorance. This dominion lasted for 400 years! Eventually, God was able to raise up a special individual within the Pharaoh’s own palace. That man was treated as the son of the daughter of another Pharaoh. That man was actually not an Egyptian, but a Hebrew - a man born of the population of the slave people.
This part of the parallel may be hard for some arrogant Americans to swallow, or to digest, so those who are reading these words, beware. If you are an arrogant or prideful American – even possibly an elitist at heart, you have been given fair warning…
In America, after the Land of the Free became a powerful and wealthy nation, after the First and Second World Wars, a remnant of those who only called themselves Americans still lived within the nation – one could call them descendants of the old Confederacy as well as other elitists of various stripes. Such a remnant retained the notion of dominion over (or even owning) human beings. Not all Americans are created equal. Some do not believe in the ideals or values of the Declaration of Independence or God-given rights. Many naive Americans are awakening to this realization just now. Unfortunately, most God-fearing or faith-filled people naively assumed most Americans held good intentions to maintain law and order within a peaceful and civil society, except for maybe some of the criminals who shared no such desire.
How can this claim be verified? Look around. What exists in American culture today? The fruit or outcome of what society has produced is the failure to hold onto the self-evident truths and the freedoms our forefathers were willing to sacrifice so much for and pass on to future generations the freedoms they held as precious. So, we cannot c;laim to live in a Land of the Free as had been envisioned by our forefathers. As mentioned, this recognition must have come to the Hebrews who had lived in freedom in Egypt as the government removed their privileges and freedoms and mandated slavery over marginalized and downcast people.
Suffice it to say that the phenomenon of “new Pharaohs” in America can be seen as well as new leaders had come into their own positions of authority and political power, whether by legitimate or illegitimate means. Such people were different from Americans who believed in truth, justice, and liberty for all. Elected officials were not all of the same type: some saw themselves as public servants, others saw themselves as “new masters” over the “common people.” The sacred halls of the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” became filled with several ‘dominionists’ who cared little for the people, and realized that by dividing the people, they could more easily be controlled.
Politically perceptive individuals and people of faith may understand more readily this gradual slide toward a more tyrannical form of government within the midst of the Land of the Free. Yet, only recently has the gradual slide turned into an avalanche of limitations, restrictions, and even the eradication of citizens’ freedoms that once were considered guaranteed freedoms under the Bill of Rights to our Constitution. Now, they are debatable – government is the source of our rights – NOT God, the dominionists tell us.
Those who defend our God-given rights, or parents who seek to protect their children from the evils within the public educational system are considered “enemies of the state.” The America that the older generation remembers is not what they observe in America today. Another likely parallel may be that this may have been what the older Hebrews experienced as they began to face the transformation of the Pharaoh subjecting the Hebrews to slavery under all Egyptians – a transition from freedom to slavery in that period of history. From that point, Hebrew people were born into slavery, lived all their lives as slaves, and died as slaves. Tragically, Hebrews were held in bondage in Egypt for 400 years!
IMHO, the parallel that I submit here is that America is in such a transition at this time in our history as our freedoms are being threatened or removed on a regular basis. Unfortunately, for some Americans who believed they lived in a nation where the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech were still guaranteed, they now serve jail time for their “J6 crimes.” It is crucial that daith-filled and conscientious Americans see that we are no longer permitted the freedom to express our words or content on social media platforms. Censorship by the elitists is common. Parents are told by the education establishment that they have no right to influence how their kids are educated in public schools – even if it means children are being indoctrinated and not taught, or they are ‘groomed’ or sexualized as early as five years of age. Young people are being culturally conditioned and socially manipulated to think it is acceptable to be sexually promiscuous because they will face zero consequences of the ‘bother’ or ‘inconvenience’ of an unwanted pregnancy as the life growing inside of would-be mothers can be easily aborted.
This is the Land of the Free in 2024! Look into the mirror of your souls: Does it seem like this is freedom? Does it seem as if this is a Christian nation? Does it seem as if Jesus could be proud of such a nation? Could God be proud of what His children have done with the Land of the Free that He helped create? This nation, for people of genuine faith, is in a similar spiritual realm as the Hebrews suffered in the toxic culture of Egyptian society thousands of years ago. Many do not realize it, or they do not want to admit it.
The frightening thing about parallels between the Hebrew slaves and Americans who still think they live in freedom, is that the Hebrews did escape their dominion. God had an exit strategy, and once God found a willing soul who He could trust to carry out His will, His strategy could commence. The Book of Exodus details that history.
Americans have no exit strategy because this land was the “the land of milk and honey.” We the People” have enjoyed the fruits of freedom for nearly 250 years. The United States used to be the beacon of Freedom for the rest of the world. And though the rest of the world is relatively free, without the USA promoting and defending Freedom, the rest of the world would have no champion of Freedom. Where do Americans exit to? Would they not forfeit their freedoms in some Socialist utopian nation where the illusions of freedom are sufficient for some people?
The reality is that Americans have lived at the apex of Freedom for many years of the nation’s history. God allowed His children to come to this “promised land” throughout our history. Today, there is no “promised land” to migrate to like the Hebrews had in the time of the Exodus.
Seems pretty grim. Yet, God is not under a yoke of bondage. There is an exit strategy. And, such an exit strategy is very similar to the Hebrew Exodus, and that is why the parallels, which are not entirely, or exactly parallels, are being submitted. Similarities exist, and there even exists yet another set of parallels in reference to this paradigm of slavery vs. Freedom. Nevertheless, this exit strategy that will be expressed and the potential pitfalls will be explained more fully in part two of this message in next week’s LightWing Messages.
Additional Faith & Spirit-filled links…
From Songs and Everlasting Joy: Once to Every Man and Nation – 5/5/23
From Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: The Descent of Joseph & the Amazing Shadow of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon – 8/5/24
From Zach Williams: No Longer Slaves by Zach Williams (Live from Harding Prison) - 10/5/2018
From My Faith Votes: Eric Metaxas on Faith, Politics, and the American Church – 8/1/24
From YouTube: Morehouse College - We Shall Overcome – 6/26/2009
From Kirk Cameron on TBN: Jack Hibbs: The RESTORATION of LIBERTY Depends on THIS
From Fountainview Academy: Once to Every Man and Nation - 3/2/2018
From World Outreach Church with Allen Jackson: A Change of Heart | Pastor Allen Jackson – 8/3/24
From Dan Vasc: Metal singer performs "Amazing Grace” (Traditional Christian hymn Amazing Grace being performed by a heavy metal singer). – 4/7/23
From Dutch Sheets Ministries: The Most Radical Presidential Ticket In History | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | August 7, 2024
From Audrey Assad: Be Thou My Vision by Audrey Assad — Official Music Video - 6/7/2016
From Mario Murillo Ministires: The biggest announcement ever from Mario Murillo posted 5/31/24