CSN - Sunday LightWing Messages - Praise & Thanksgiving to God for a Victory of Goodness Over Evil!
Painter: Wilhelm Hensel https://www.goblenart.com/miriams-song-of-praise/
“The Lord reigns
for ever and ever.”
When Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen went into the sea, the Lord brought the waters of the sea back over them, but the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing. Miriam sang to them:
“Sing to the Lord,
for he is highly exalted.
Both horse and driver
he has hurled into the sea.”
The Waters of Marah and Elim
Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah.
So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?”
Then Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink.
There the Lord issued a ruling and instruction for them and put them to the test. He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”
Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and they camped there near the water. Exodus 15:18-27 (NIV)
The biblical passage from Exodus 15:18-27 demonstrates how entirely fickle human beings can be. In one moment God showed His Grace and Mercy upon the Hebrew people and the other refugees from the dominion of the Pharaoh in their Red Sea moment. In the following moment there was joy and happiness as the Song of The Song of Moses and Miriam indicates in Exodus 15. However, it was an incredibly difficult journey as these passages indicate that all the people were without water for three days, and then they began to turn on Moses, their leader. This tale of turning on the leader who brings God’s word and guidance is a repeated story in the Bible if a discerning reader can pick up on this. It is a revelation of anemic faith; yet, it is also a testimony to God’s enduring patience and willingness to continually provide for His children.
This phenomenon of complaining against one’s leader exists in our time as well. One needs to observe what will happen to the Trump ’faithful” as soon as there are expectations that are not met. It will likely be a similar demonstration of a familiar fickleness of God’s children – in fact those who have the name of being Christian have already judged Donald Trump a number of years ago – not because of his actions, but because of his gruff words and expressions. So be it. This action of judging Donald Trump speaks more loudly of the level of faith in practice from the ones who have the name of Christian than it speaks of the rough edges of Donald Trump.
I have previously written about my impression of Trump being more like a Moses figure than the Christian evangelical perception of a role comparable to Cyrus because it seems less of a ‘fit.’ It was more posed as a question in my article: “Parallels between Slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt and the Current Atheistic Dominion over American Citizens of Faith (Part 2)” as an entry in the August 18th edition of our LightWing Messages, CSN Sunday LightWing Messages – America’s Exit Strategy - Unite for Freedom! My question was left to the readers to figure out the parallels:
Is there a strong leader, who is wrestling with the Pharaoh-like tyrants of this time? Is there a strong leader today who is living for the sake of the citizens, or are the lot of leaders of today only self-centered imitations of true leaders? If such a leader were to be alive in this time, would Americans have the faith to follow? Can Americans of today get beyond their own egos and self-centeredness to join together, stand together, and work together to remain free? If so united, We the People will stand! The alternative is grim. Our part in the process is on us.
The outcome of the 2024 election provided answers to these questions. But, in my humble opinion, it was a cooperative endeavor which involved God, Donald Trump, and the American citizens. The victory of those clearly on God’s side shows up as the citizens clearly discerning good from evil during this period of our nation’s history. And, it is truly a time that the American people need to express their gratitude to God for Grace and Mercy He has extended to us, for our nation certainly does not honor Him in humility, in respect, nor in genuine trust in His ways.
While it is true that there are pockets of faithful all across this great land, there are leaders, as well as others, in our government committing evil actions in the name of the people. Evil actions will continue, regardless of who is president. The POTUS is just one person. Especially now in this time after the election, Americans must demonstrate their trust in God and in champions of His Providence. In this time before Thanksgiving, Americans need not wait to express a deep sense of gratitude for “delivering us from evil.” And, it is also an opportune time to continue to praise and worship God because of the victories needed in the battles to come.
In line with those observations, this Sunday’s edition of LightWing Messages first features another message from Maria Tonello of the Strike Force of Prayer. She offers more biblical passages as guides for prayers to offer praise and gratitude to Heavenly Father for His Grace upon our nation. Her message today: “Worship and Praise to Bring God’s Victories.”
The message from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. last week – "The Death of Evil upon the Seashore" – was focused upon the faith of the Hebrew people in their Red Sea moment. The reality of the passage quoted from Exodus 15 shows that Moses was being transparent in his description of the nature of the Hebrew people passing through the wilderness. It is common sense that there will be significant battles before the American people as we move forward to reclaim the land that God once gave us. It will not be an easy time, as it was not easy for the Hebrew people as they moved onward to take the land that God had promised them. We still require a true covenant between God, His central champion or leader, and the people’s real willingness and efforts to abide by the leader’s guidance that God has appointed. Yet, true leaders inspire and enable the people; they do not stifle the people. May God’s Will prevail.
Also, just a reminder that we have our regular online “MeetN” this Monday. For those who are new readers to the CSN family of newsletters, please know we use this online platform Monday nights for virtual meetings to discuss the message(s) in the LightWing Messages. As this edition once again features a message from Maria Tonello, we are reminded that we were indeed fortunate to interview Ms. Tonello in a previous Monday LightWing MeetN call. She was sharing about a lot, but especially promoting her new book that we promoted a bit. A link to that book can be found below, in case readers want to get more information, or get the book!
Readers who missed our interview with Ms. Tonello still are able to check out her book and buy it using the Amazon Link: Deliverance from Demonic Powers That Run Our Lives: SuperPower Prayers for Health and Freedom
The link for the meetings is the same each week, and the call coordinates are below. Readers can click the link and check in with other like-minded readers for mutual support during such turbulent times. Listeners are able to participate, or just listen.
For questions about the discussion group, please connect here: d.jamzon@gmail.com
Join our Monday MeetN! - 11/18/24 - 5:00 pm
Normally => Moa ndays at 5pm PST (6pm MST; 7pm CST; 8pm EST)
To join these meetings click this url: https://meetn.com/vroom (The room name is vroom)
We hope readers could receive as many of the features and intelligent perspectives that may be of interest. Yet, don’t get greedy! Only absorb what you can easily digest! Read, enjoy, and absorb, then share the articles and links to the important stories of the news cycle with those whom you hope would benefit from the Citizen Sentinels Network moving into this turbulent transition time leading to the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump. It is important to receive God’s blessings and fruit that have come from this election year. Yet, it is also just as important to maintain a vigilant perspective and prayer focus to protect the peaceful transition and transference of power in a true American tradition. As always, please invite those you care about to go to our Substack platform and secure a free subscription – Citizen Voice on Substack
These words are being freely offered to you – intended to shine light unto our paths, as written: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 - (KJV)
May God bless our readers & their loved ones. May God be with All His Children!
May we truly humble ourselves, sincerely seek His face and His spirit, honestly repent and proactively turn from our wicked ways - especially to repent for not tending to Your vineyard according to Your Will! May we offer praise and prayers of gratitude and joy for your continued Grace for America’s return to your standards of goodness. May we all seek Your ways and Your Will and seek continually Your Kingdom and righteousness.
By Maria T. Tonello StrikeForceofPrayer.com © 2024
“I praise you, Lord, for you raised me up and did not let my enemies rejoice over me. O Lord, my God, I cried out to you for help and you healed me.” Psalm 30:1-2
Let us PRAISE and WORSHIP our GOD who has raised America up and is not letting our enemies rejoice over us. For we have cried out to Him these past 8 years and He is healing our land! PRAISE and WORSHIP open portals of GRACE for God our Father’s Grace and Mercy to pour into our lands and bring total victory over the enemies of freedom! Hallelujah!
Psalm 18:2-4: A King’s Thanksgiving for Victory
(A royal thanksgiving for a military victory, duplicated in 2 Sm 22. Thanksgiving Psalms are in essence reports of divine rescue. — NABRE)
✦ We love you, Lord, our strength, Lord God, our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, Our God, our rock of refuge, our shield, our saving horn, our stronghold! Praised be the Lord, I exclaim! America has been delivered from her enemies! Hallelujah!
✦ The Lord thundered from heaven; the Most High made his voice resound. You let fly Your arrows and scattered them; shot Your lightning bolts and dispersed America’s enemies. Then the bed of the sea appeared; the world’s foundations lay bare, at your rebuke, O Lord, at the storming breath of Your nostrils. Thank you Lord God! Hallulia! Psalm 18:14-16
✦ Lord God, Heavenly Father, You reached down from on high and seized America; drew us out of the deep waters. You rescued our country from our mighty enemies, from foes too powerful for us. They attacked us on our day of distress, but YOU Lord God are our support. You set us free in the open; You have rescued us because You love us. Hallelujah! Psalm 18:17-20
✦ Thank you Lord God for acknowledging the righteousness of Your remnant standing in the gap for America, and for rewarding our clean hands. For we have kept Your ways; we were not disloyal to our God; for here we are 7 1/2 years later still contending for You to save and restore America! For Your laws are all before us, Your decrees we have not cast aside. Thank You El Shaddai for pouring out Your Mercy and Grace upon America and bringing full victories! Psalm 18:21-23
✦ The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock! Exalted be God, my savior! Psalm 18:47.
✦ Truly you have elevated America above her opponents, from the lawlessness you have rescued us! Thus we will praise you, Lord, among the nations; we will sing praises to Your name. Psalm 18:49-50
Psalm 30: Thanksgiving for Deliverance
✦ We praise you, Lord, for you raised up America from veritable ashes and did not let our enemies rejoice over us; (did not let them steal our elections, our liberties, our hopes and dreams). O Lord, our God, we cried out to You for help and You have healed our country. Hallelujah! Thank you for Your Mercy and Grace! Psalm 30:2-3
✦ You changed our mourning into dancing; You took off our sackcloth and have clothed us with gladness. So that our glory may praise You and not be silent. O Lord, our God, forever will we give You thanks! Psalm 30:12-13
Psalm 40: Gratitude and Prayer for Help
✦ Blessed the man who sets his security in the Lord, who turns not to the arrogant or to those who stray after falsehood. You, yes you, O Lord, my God, have done many wondrous deeds! Psalm 40:5-6
✦ We delight to do your will, my God; Your law is in my inner being! When we sing of your righteousness in a great assembly, see, we do not restrain our lips; as you, Lord, know. We do not conceal your righteousness within our hearts; we speak of your loyalty and your salvation. Hallelujah! Psalm 40:9-11
Psalm 80: Prayer to Restore God’s Vineyard
✦ Turn back again, God of hosts; look down from heaven and see; visit this vine, Your America, the stock your right hand has planted, and the son whom you made strong for yourself. Psalm 80:15-16
✦ Those who would burn or cut us down— may they perish at Your rebuke. May Your hand be with the man on your right, with the son of man whom you made strong for yourself. Then we will not withdraw from You; revive us, revive America, and we will call on Your name. Psalm 80:17-19
✦ Lord God of hosts, restore us; light up Your face and we shall be saved. Save America Lord God! Save America! Psalm 80:20
Psalm 140: Prayer for Deliverance from the Wicked
✦ Deliver America, Lord, from the wicked; preserve us from the violent, from those who plan evil in their hearts, who stir up conflicts every day, who sharpen their tongue like a serpent, venom of asps upon their lips. Selah Psalm 140:2-4
✦ Lord, our master, our strong deliverer, You cover our head on the day of armed conflict. Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked ones coming against our country; do not let their plots succeed. Selah. Psalm 140:8-9.
✦ Selah Psalm 140:2-4 Lord, our master, our strong deliverer, You cover our head on the day of armed conflict. 9 Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked ones coming against our country; do not let their plots succeed. Selah. Psalm 140:8-9.
✦ For I know the Lord will take up the cause of the needy, justice for the poor. Then the righteous will give thanks to your name; the upright will dwell in your presence. Psalm 140:13-14
Psalm 144: A Prayer for Victory and Prosperity
✦ Lord, incline your heavens and come down; touch the mountains and make them smoke. Flash forth lightning and scatter America’s foes; shoot Your arrows and rout them. Reach out Your hand from on high; deliver America from the many waters; rescue us from the hands of foreign foes.Their mouths speak untruth; their right hands are raised in lying oaths. Psalm 144:5-9
✦ O God, a new song we will sing to You; on a ten-stringed lyre we will play for You. Thank You God for giving victory to Your kings, Your chosen ones! Psalm 144:9-10
✦ May there be no breach in the walls and at our borders, no exile, no outcry in our streets. Blessed the people so fortunate; blessed the people whose God is the Lord. Hallelujah! Psalm 144:14-15
Psalm 145: The Greatness and Goodness of God
✦ We will extol you, my God and king; we will bless your name forever and ever. Every day we will bless you; we will praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and worthy of much praise, whose grandeur is beyond understanding! Hallelujah! Psalm 145:1-3
✦ All your works give you thanks, Lord and your faithful bless you. They speak of the glory of your reign and tell of your mighty works, making known to the sons of men your mighty acts, the majestic glory of your rule. Your reign is a reign for all ages, your dominion for all generations. Psalm 145:10-13 YOU Lord God are just in all Your ways, merciful in all Your works.
✦ You Lord God are near to all who call upon You, to all who call upon You in truth. You fulfill the desire of those who fear You; You hear our cries and save our country! Psalm 145:17-19
✦ THANK YOU LORD GOD, that You watch over all who love You, but all the wicked You destroy. My mouth will speak the praises of the Lord; all flesh will bless Your holy name forever and ever. Hallelujah! Psalm 145:20-21
Sealing Prayer: Psalm 148 - All Creation Summoned to Praise
“Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights. Praise him, all you his angels; give praise, all you his hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all shining stars. Praise him, highest heavens, you waters above the heavens. Let them all praise the Lord’s name; for he commanded and they were created, Assigned them their station forever, set an order that will never change. Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all the deeps of the sea;
Lightning and hail, snow and thick clouds, storm wind that fulfills his command; Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars; Animals wild and tame, creatures that crawl and birds that fly; Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all who govern on earth; Young men and women too, old and young alike. Let them all praise the Lord’s name, for his name alone is exalted, His majesty above earth and heaven. He has lifted high the horn of his people; to the praise of all his faithful.”
Maria T. Tonello has been teaching, leading and supporting prayer intercessors nationally and internationally for the past several years. The prayer protocols in this book series come from that ministry and have many testimonials testifying to their transformational effects.
Maria has been a management consultant, corporate trainer, public speaker, teacher and personal advisor in life and career transitions. She holds two Masters of Science degrees, an M.S. in O.D. (Applied Behavioral Sciences) and an M.S. in Psychology; but considers her most valuable education learning to listen to, heed and serve the Father’s heart. Her new book is listed below:
Amazon Link: Deliverance from Demonic Powers That Run Our Lives: SuperPower Prayers for Health and Freedom
Additional Faith & Spirit-filled links…
YouTube: Wynonna - How Great Thou Art (Live in Venice) - 4/28/22
From Allen Jackson Ministries: A Remnant of Faith and Hope in America's Heartland | Allen Jackson Ministries – 11/16/24
From Alan Jackson: How Great Thou Art by Alan Jackson (Official Live) – 8/25/2017
From Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: Romans 12:2: The Secret to Victory | Jonathan Cahn Sermon – 11/16/24
From Joshua Aaron: HOW GREAT THOU ART (Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem w @YaronCherniak – 11/11/22
From The Victory Channel - FlashPoint: FlashPoint: It's A New Era for America! News Breakdown – 11/11/24
From The Soldiers' Chorus of The United States Army Field Band: The Battle Hymn of the Republic - 11/22/2016
From Allen Jackson Ministries: Get Back in the Fight | Chad Robichaux – 11/10/24
From The United States Air Force Academy Band with the Colorado Springs Chorale - ”My Country 'Tis of Thee” - 11/29/2019
ICYMI > From The Victory Channel - FlashPoint: Trump WINS Prophetic Victory | News Breakdown w/ Special Guests – 11/7/24
ICYMI > From Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: Trump's Win & What It Means | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic – 11/7/24
ICYMI > From The 700 Club: Trump's Historic Comeback Winning The Whitehouse – 11/6/24
Podcast - From Dutch Sheets Ministries: We Are Not Finished | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | November 12, 2024
From The Lance Wallnau Show: Stop Waiting to Be Chosen – God’s Calling YOU to Step Up Now! – 11/17/24
From Think Biblically Course via My Faith Votes: Module 3: TLesson 2: What Does God's Word Say? – (w/ Abby Johnson)
From Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc: November 16, 1778: Congressional Chaplains Provide Thanksgiving Proclamation - Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc.
From The American Minute w/ Bill Federer: 0:42 / 1:15 American Minute for November 15