CSN - LightWing Messages - Sunday - Reflecting on God’s Grace - 7/21/2024
The Future Glory of Zion
“To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth.
So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
“Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli.
I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones.
All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.
In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed;bit will not come near you.
If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
“See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 54:9-17 (NIV)
Last weekend Americans citizens witnessed an act of domestic terrorism in the assassination attempt against President Donald Trump. It was most dramatic in several ways, and the first is that it was witnessed by millions of people. Many do not know that there have been other such attempts at taking the life of Donald Trump. This heinous effort was witnessed, and for those of faith, they witnessed more than an assassination attempt against a most hated man. People of faith witnessed the hand of God in the matter; they witnessed a miracle that the bullet missed its mark by a fraction of an inch. It has been said, and I am one who believes the statement, that miracles only happen to those who believe in them. I also believe in miracles – I witnessed one last Saturday via the technological capabilities of the internet.
However, there are many who doubt in miracles because they doubt God’s capabilities, or do not believe in God at all. It is unfortunate in and of itself that God created humans with amazing mental and sensual capabilities, but humanity uses their natural freedom to close their minds to self-evident truths that have always existed throughout human history. So, what many people of faith have witnessed through “eyes that see” was the hand of God sparing one of HIs servants.
This edition of the LightWing Messages today provides two offerings. The first is from Dr. Ben Carson who spoke at the Republican National Convention this past week. The folks at Breitbart posted their interview with Carson and we have reprinted it here for our readers. We have also posted again the link to an article from the Christian Post featuring Dr. Carson’s speech at the convention in our aggregate section below the two featured messages.
As I reflected upon my words from our LightWing Messages from our July 7 edition, I sensed a genuine confirmation of God’s intervention into the affairs of men only one week later…
CSN - LightWing Messages - Sunday - Reflecting on Independence - 7/7/2024
“Without God, there will be no America in the future, and if He does continue to bless this nation, it would be a miracle after we essentially have turned the Land of the Free into a war zone. We definitely need His divine intervention.”
The second message is one I offer from an article I wrote recently as I collected my thoughts about the most recent evidence of God’s hand upon America in 2024. It is my observations of the essential takeaways from witnessing acts of evil an goodness side by side.
Please remember that our LightWing “Meetn” calls will resume again this coming Monday.
For those who are new readers to the Citizen Voice family of newsletters, please know we use an online platform for Monday virtual meetings to discuss the message(s) in the LightWing Messages. “MeetN” is the name of the platform, and the link information will not change from week to week. There is no need to send an email request to get added to our distribution list. We highly encourage our readers to join us in our MeetN calls.
Those readers who are able to join us this Monday evening may participate in our call (or just listen). Readers can join and check in with other like-minded readers for mutual support in such turbulent times. There is no need to request a link each week to the Meetn call.
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For questions about the discussion group, please send an email to this address: d.jamzon@gmail.com
CSN LightWing Mission – Monday “Meetn” call - 7/22/24 at 5:00pm PST
Every Monday at 5pm PST (6pm MST; 7pm CST; and 8pm EST).
We hope our readers enjoy this LightWing edition as well as the aggregated messages we offer today. Please read, enjoy, absorb and share, and practice letting God’s light within you. We also hope our readers would consider becoming Citizen Sentinels’ messengers and pass this edition of the newsletter on to those who could welcome it. Or simply, invite them to go to our Substack platform and get a free subscription – Citizen Voice on Substack
These words are being sent to you as part of an effort that commenced based upon genuine inspiration from Heavenly Father. The LightWing Messages are the latest evolution and are intended to shine light onto our paths, as it was written: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 - KJV
May God bless all of our readers!
May God bless America!
May we humble ourselves in the understanding that God has not forsaken us, nor has He given up upon Americans. Indeed we are less than reverent, often ignorant of His Will or His ways. May we rid ourselves of false pride and re-master our EGOs through genuine repentance. May we seek His face to continually help us in the rectitude of our ways. May we seek God’s vision, live in His righteousness and build His Kingdom.
Exclusive — Dr. Ben Carson: Weapons Formed Against Trump Have Not Prospered; ‘This Is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord’
M. Perdie, J. Knudsen / Breitbart News HANNAH KNUDSEN 17 Jul 2024
The country needs to go back to its spiritual roots and dependence on God, Dr. Ben Carson said during a sit-down interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday at the Republican National Convention, quoting Isaiah 54:17 to showcase what “the heritage of servants of the Lord” is.
Carson discussed the moving speech he delivered at the convention on Tuesday evening, explaining that the United States needs to return to its dependence on God.
“We moved away from that. And Isaiah 54:17, which is, ‘No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. And every word that is spoken against you, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.’ And then I just pointed out all those weapons that were formed against Donald Trump — you know, trying to ruin his reputation, and he’s more popular than ever. Trying to bankrupt him — he’s got more money than ever,” he said. Carson said Trump told him after the speech that he never really thought about that.
“But it’s true, and all the things that they did with the lawfare and all of those things backfired on them. … And the point being that if God be for you, who can be against you,” he said.
“We need to go back to having faith in God, and those are very much our spiritual roots that taught us to love your neighbor, not to hate your neighbor, not to cancel your neighbors. Those are the kinds of things that are destroying us as a nation, and we each have a responsibility to … counter that kind of thing,” Carson said, agreeing with Breitbart Washington Bureau Chief Matt Boyle that God’s hand was on Donald Trump’s shoulder on Saturday, when he survived an assassination attempt.
“I believe so. I mean, you probably are familiar with the story of the bulletproof George Washington. George Washington was the courier for General Braddock during the French and Indian War. He was a colonel at that time and riding back and forth. All the couriers were killed except for him. He had two horses shot from beneath him. He had four bullet holes in his coat. He had bullet fragments in his hair, but no flesh wounds,” Carson said.
“And years later, one of the Indian chiefs who was near death heard that Washington was going to be in the area — this is still before he was President. He said, ‘Take me to see that man.’… And when he was with George Washington, he said, ‘Sir, I just needed to meet you, because I am an expert marksman, and I shot you many times, and my men shot you many times, and pretty soon I told them to stop wasting their ammunition, and I just wanted to meet a man who was protected by the Great Spirit above.'”
“That occurred less than 50 miles away from where President Trump” was nearly killed, Carson said. “And I truly believe that. We used to have that story in all of our history books, until it became politically incorrect to talk about God, but He does play a tremendous role in our country.”
Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr. is one of the most prominent Black conservatives in the United States. He ran as a candidate for POTUS during the 2016 presidential campaign as a Republican. Dr. Ben Carson served in the Trump Administration as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 to 2021. This was all after he had served as a pioneer in the field of neurosurgery and went on to become the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center in 1984 at age 33, then the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the U.S. In 2013, He retired from medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine only to become a target of the Woke Agenda himself.
In 2021, Carson founded the American Cornerstone Institute (ACI), a conservative think tank advancing policies that promote "faith, liberty, community, and life." ACI's mission statement is "dedicated to promoting and preserving individual and religious liberty, helping our country's most vulnerable find new hope, and developing methods to decrease the federal government's role in society and to improve efficiency to best serve all our nation's citizens."
The Hand of God in the Presence of Evil
By Dennis Jamison — July 17, 2024
A year ago, I wrote about the danger of France being plunged into another revolution due to the police shooting of a 17 year-old boy when he refused to comply with an order to stop the vehicle he was driving. The incident sparked rioting and violence reminiscent of the Antifa and BLM rioting and violence in the summer of 2020 after the George Gloyd shooting in the United States. The shooting in France in 2023 was just prior to Bastille Day. The annual Bastille Day celebration every July 14 is comparable to our Independence Day celebration every July 4. This year, one week after the 248th celebration of our Independence, this country could have been plunged into a revolution or civil war with the shooting of President Donald Trump. While it is
not a welcome thought, it was someone’s intent to kill Donald Trump. It would have affected America far more than having to mourn another assassination in our nation’s history.
When one considers the turmoil that such an assassination would have unleashed, it could have led to World War III – no hyperbole. Looking back again to Europe, World War I was triggered by the assassination of of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie on June 28, 1914. Archduke Ferdinand was the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and this assassination was a pivotal event that initially plunged Europe into World War I. The information that is being uncovered in the attempted assassination of the primary contender for the position of POTUS is casting dark clouds of suspicion over this evil incident. One can only wonder who or what other sources affected the young would-be assassin to act in such a drastic manner.
It is obvious that the assassination of President Trump, something wished for by many enemies, within the U.S. and outside the nation. Since before he officially took office, Trump was targeted by many of his enemies for termination. Pressure mounts for state senator to resign after Trump assassination comment
This is reminiscent of the threats and actual danger of how president-elect Abraham Lincoln was targeted by the haters of his day. Many of Trump’s most rabid opponents started publicly calling for his termination without much concern over any type of investigation into such hate-filled statements. More recently, several officials from the opposition Party in the beginning of this month started inferring that Trump to be taken out, even Joe Biden: Biden admits putting Trump in 'bull's-eye' was a mistake. It's a little late for that.
While American citizens are content to wallow in the mire of gutter talk and hate speech, we are not going to move beyond the deliberate political divisiveness that has polarized the nation since moving past the threshold of the new millennium. America currently faces an existential crisis. In referencing the storming of the Bastille, Americans are stressed and highly on edge in such a time as there has not been such a highly defined contrast between the beliefs and behavior of the two candidates since the issue of slavery divided the nation just before the Civil War. The hatred that arose against president-elect Abraham Lincoln did not just evaporate. In fact, there are some southern states that will not celebrate, or even acknowledge, Lincoln’s birthday during the celebrations of President’s Day each year.
Deep-rooted hatred manifested against Trump from several sources, initially after he announced that he was going to run for POTUS, but it was not the fatal level of hatred we observe today. It was on display on Saturday and most recently from before Independence Day this year:
Leftists Call for Trump’s Assassination Online – 7/1/24
I witnessed the less lethal hatred in California when it reared its ugly presence in the summer of 2016, in the time leading to the Republican National Convention that year. I wrote an article calling attention to it in the aftermath of such a display of disrespect and willful destructiveness when Trump was on the campaign trail that year. I never would have imagined it would lead to what we witnessed last Saturday.
Yet, we witnessed something much more significant last Saturday in that campaign event. There were three significant things that seem to be critically important to consider. To people of faith, it was most obvious that our Father in Heaven views Donald Trump as one of His servants, as Dr. Ben Carson pointed out in his speech at the Republican National Convention as he quoted the passages from Isaiah 54. Exclusive -- Dr. Ben Carson: Weapons Formed Against Trump Have Not Prospered
In my humble observation, God is not finished with President Trump yet, and if He is not really finished using Trump, it means He is not finished with the U.S.A. yet. It seems He desires to be able to finish what He initiated with the brave and brilliant Founders of the nation so long ago.
Dr. Ben Carson, a brilliant man, and a man of God, sees it too. Others of faith know it to also be true, regardless of what the godless have to spew out in confusion.
The second significant event was the fighting spirit of Donald Trump as a man. Despite the clear and present danger to him, and he certainly knew he had become the bullseye for whomever was shooting at him, he stood and physically demonstrated to the audience that he would live to fight another day! He stood up, despite the secret service agents attempting to force him to the ground, to show to the people his fighting spirit. He stood up to pass his fighting spirit on to all of us to know we need to stand up, show up, and respond to the clear and imminent danger all citizens face in such a time as this.
The third significant event was the sacrifice of Corey Comperatore, the retired firefighter who sacrificed his own life to protect the lives of his family. He was a good man and a Christian who put into practice what Jesus asked us all to be able to do: to lay one’s life down for the sake of others. Comperatore chose to work as a volunteer firefighter, risking his life for strangers and he ultimately offered his own life so his family could be spared assassin’s bullets. Exceptional spirit!
May he dwell with such kindred spirits in Heaven!
It may be good for all of us not to forget this event, but not to focus on the evil of the attack, but to focus more fully on the work of God in the presence of evil. It is better to focus on the good as opposed to the bad. Focusing on the good will lead us to see God and we definitely need to see the hand of God in such toxic and turbulent times. May God continue to watch over us and to deliver us from evil.
Onward and Upward!
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