CSN Sunday LightWing Messages – America’s Exit Strategy - Unite for Freedom! - 8/18/2024
Moses at the Red Sea
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.”
Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long.
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.
The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharaoh’s horses and chariots and horsemen followed them into the sea. During the last watch of the night the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion. He jammed the wheels of their chariots so that they had difficulty driving. And the Egyptians said, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.”
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may flow back over the Egyptians and their chariots and horsemen.” Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and at daybreak the sea went back to its place. The Egyptians were fleeing toward it, and the Lord swept them into the sea. The water flowed back and covered the chariots and horsemen—the entire army of Pharaoh that had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not one of them survived.
But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. Exodus 14:14 - 30 (NIV)
One who has faith in the Judeo-Christian heritage knows, to one degree or another, the history of God’s Providence, and normally has faith in God’s Providential work in the course of history. But sometimes, in such a day and age as we live today, it may be more difficult. The “here and now” may prove a bit too challenging for believers to still have faith in God working in this time. Yet, millions of Americans, and those paying attention around the world, just witnessed God’s hand in sparing the life of Donald Trump a month ago. Yet, there are “people of faith” who are skeptical and doubt and overly analyze what “really happened.” Can we truly call such people – people of faith? For such people, ‘real faith’ may be relegated to the ancient times – biblical times. “We do not witness such things in this age,” they may say. They may not even realize, they do not have eyes (of faith) that see.
Then, is faith applicable to real life – in our time? In our contemporary world, over saturated by scientific explanations for all that we observe, can we determine that faith is only a concept limited to the pages of the Bible and that it has no relevance today? Some are capable of such a position. Again, could such people – be considered people of faith? Is faith only a belief in the words of the Bible – or in the life of Jesus? Certainly, the faith of the Hebrew people, once enslaved in Egypt, helped them to escape to freedom in the story of Exodus. Just this single story is way too much for some to accept as ‘actual’ in the pseudo-sophisticated world of today. Doubt abounds. Rationalization sweeps faith under the rug, as it is way too illogical for many of those who are educated and highly intelligent amongst us.
So, if this is the predominant sentiment or prevalent belief among Americans today, is this nation doomed to end up as just another failed attempt at manifesting a free society? Without faith, can a people sustain freedom? I submit that Faith is essentially beyond the pages of the Bible, and much of human history is filled with stories of people of faith. Yet, in a secular world dominated by the faithless, what is the real likelihood of maintaining a free society in the United States?
Last week’s edition of the LightWing Messages introduced the concept of parallels between the Hebrew people who had lived in slavery for 400 years and the American people of faith who are targeted and oppressed today in the United States.
CSN Sunday LightWing Messages America’s Conviction to Stand United for Freedom
Such a comparison, for some, may have been quite a stretch of their belief parameters. Yet, a case is made. The message presented was only part 1 of a two part message. Today’s edition features the second part of the case being made for the: “Parallels between Slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt and the Current Atheistic Dominion over American Citizens of Faith.”
As mentioned in the Sunday edition last week, Rev. Finney’s message posted a couple of weeks ago, the “Gospel Liberty,” revealed to me the genuine need for an internal ownership of the quest for Freedom. This message was what inspired me to write this lengthy message (and because it is long, it was offered in two parts). My inclination is that for those seeking humbly to know God’s Will for America, “Finney’s message can be quite insightful and relevant for our own spiritual growth and maturation, but especially relevant to the citizens in the Land of the Free…”
The first part of my message was only 1500 + words, but the second part is more than 2700 words, so I humbly request patience from the readers. Our Sunday messages often tend to run long, but it is possible to read the passages in ‘installments’ when one finds the right time. Understanding the parallels (as I see them) between the slavery the Hebrews suffered under for 400 years and the contemporary state of American government on multiple levels could help Americans to renew their understanding and love for Freedom rather than taking comfort in living in a contemporary illusion of freedom.
It is our hope that by sharing these two messages in the LightWing editions, readers as well as a substantial number of American citizens could deeply reflect on what they intend to do with the choice they have between slavery and Freedom. It is more than an intellectual exercise. For those who consider themselves Christians, it is a sincere challenge of ones’ real faith – not just words professing faith. God is seeking goodness to triumph, seeking good people to bring Him into their daily lives, and with His vision, practice doing good, and constantly seek the Freedom of His domain – His Kingdom. It is time to make it so on Earth!
Again, for those who are new readers to the Citizen Sentinels Network of newsletters, please know we use an online platform for Monday virtual meetings to discuss the message(s) in the Sunday LightWing edition. “MeetN” is the name of the platform, and the link information will not change from week to the next. We highly encourage our readers to join us in our MeetN calls. Readers can call in and check in with other like-minded readers for mutual support in such turbulent times. Listeners may participate freely, or just listen.
Please join our LightWing “MeetN” calls on Mondays. We had a great session as Michael Ortega of the Strike Force of Prayer was interviewed last Monday night. However, just a reminder that we will not have an online “MeetN” next Monday due to a scheduling conflict.
For questions about the discussion group, please send an email to this address: d.jamzon@gmail.com
CSN LightWing Mission MeetN – Next call Monday 8/19/23 at 5:00pm PST
Normally => Mondays at 5pm PDT (6pm MDT; 7pm CDT; 8pm EDT)
We hope our readers will enjoy this edition and take in as many of the features that may interest you. But, don’t get greedy - only absorb what you can easily digest! Then be sure and share the articles and links to aggregates with those whom you believe would benefit from intelligent perspectives throughout the 2024 election year.
These words are being freely offered to you – intended to shine light unto our paths, as written: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 - KJV
Read, absorb and share, and practice what is within you. Become a force for goodness! Become the light!
May God bless our readers and all of their loved ones. May God bless All His Children!
May we humble ourselves, seek God’s face, honestly repent, and sincerely receive and put into practice the Divine Guidance offered in such a time as this. May we pursue the path of truth, righteousness, and goodness in such toxic and turbulent times. Lead us to find that which we truly have faith in, that which matters most to You. May we continue to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness in this “great and terrible day of the Lord.”
Parallels between Slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt and the Current Atheistic Dominion over American Citizens of Faith (part 2)
By Dennis Jamison 8/12/24
Americans, somewhat familiar with our Judeo-Christian heritage, may not easily see any parallels between the slavery of the Hebrew people in Egypt and the current condition of the American citizens. However, the case for such a comparison is possible and was introduced in last week’s LightWing newsletter. CSN Sunday LightWing Messages America’s Conviction to Stand United for Freedom The featured message that Sunday was the first part of making the case for such parallels. This is the second part.
In part I, a parallel was introduced that is observable (for those with eyes to see) is the rapid transition America is going through at this time in our history, evident to many (the ones who pay attention) that our freedoms are being threatened or removed on a regular basis. One could make the case that in the biblical story of Joseph, his brothers felt entitled and were quite bold as they initially tried to kill him, but eventually sold him to slave traders. Then, they lied to their own father about the disappearance of Joseph. This is not a parallel about the disappearance of Joseph Biden from the presidential race due to his political comrades, but one could possibly draw some interesting parallels. There are leaders in America that would sell their own mothers into slavery if it meant personal or political profitability.
But, for this case of comparing the Hebrews in Egypt to the Americans losing their freedoms, the essential focus is upon how God works in human affairs in specific turning points in human history. Just this phrase of “how God works in human affairs” is controversial in our day. Once upon a time, it was accepted as valid. But, despite the antagonists of such reality, even those who consider themselves people of faith often place more emphasis upon God’s miraculous work in history than the way He normally works. Obviously, miracles are spectacular, but in my humble perception, miracles only happen to those who believe in them, or have faith that they occur, and they are often performed as an intervention when all other means have fallen short in efforts to produce good fruit. Go think otherwise, I believe, cheapens the value of miracles.
I submit that American citizens are currently witnessing the gradual slide of the “Land of the Free” toward a more Socialist form of government. And, Socialism is simply a “smiley face” form of a developing stage of Communism, and Communism is simply an absolute form of slavery we can refer to as totalitarianism. Politically perceptive individuals should be aware of this slide as an eradication of citizens’ freedoms that once were considered guaranteed freedoms under the Bill of Rights to our Constitution are now up for debate. There once had been no question – God, not government, was the source of our rights. This is no longer valid, and just as the idea of God’s work min history is no longer valid. Just as Hebrew people experienced the turnaround of reality in Egypt, Americans are witnessing such an upheaval regarding fundamental rights and our freedoms, once guaranteed under the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. Now they must be argued in a court of law (or what may be an illusive semblance of the law).
A warning was given in the first portion of my article concerning the lack of an obvious parallel between the Hebrews under slavery in Egypt having an exit strategy to escape such slavery. Government mandates and dictates have set the precedent to ignore, temporarily withdraw, or to essentially destroy our rights under the U.S. Constitution. People of faith in America being treated as second class citizens, or even ‘non-citizens,’ have no place to exit from this creeping cancerous criminal corruption on various levels of American society. Clueless Americans, who still think they live in freedom, are not thinking about an exit strategy. To where could American citizens exit that provides the same structure and strength of law to give and ensure God-given rights? But, where in the world would freedom exist, if it fails in America?
A frightening truth about these parallels is that the Hebrews had an exit strategy. As mentioned in the first part ”Americans have no exit strategy because this land used to be ‘the land of milk and honey.’” God had blessed America as long as the nation could serve as a blessing to the rest of the world as an instrument of God. Such blessing allowed American citizens to live very comfortably at the apex of Freedom for many years during the nation’s history. This was the “promised land.” But, just as the Hebrews drifted away from obeying the Ten Commandments and the godly values of the Judaic traditions, “Christian” Americans as well have drifted from the Judeo-Christian values at the bedrock of our nation. God’s warnings to the Hebrew nation were ignored again and again to their own peril.
In my humble opinion, God took a risk when He prepared Moses and sent him back to Egypt, where he was a wanted criminal. God risked that the Hebrew people would follow Moses, even as Moses was unsure of this himself. God risked that the Hebrew people would follow the Ten Commandments that he entrusted to Moses, even when Moses broke the first tablets when he witnessed the disobedience of the Hebrew people who had followed him into the wilderness. In addition, God risked that the Hebrew people would follow the Ten Commandments even after Moses was gone. God’s exit strategy included utilizing a man of faith that He could trust. God trusted that Moses would do what He asked of the man. In fact, much of the history of God’s Providence involved the necessity of God and people of faith working together in incredibly close relationships.
As mentioned in the first part, there is an exit strategy for Americans; however, it may not be what people may expect, or what they would accept. Again, I believe that this is a risk God is willing to take to liberate His children. And, In reference to this paradigm of slavery vs. Freedom, I believe the exit strategy for Americans of faith is rooted in the history of God’s Providence, and it involves the necessity of God and people of faith to work together again in incredibly close or intimate relationships. And, such a strategy to secure freedom is similar to what needed to be present in the Hebrew Exodus as described in the Old Testament.
As mentioned in the first part, “...the America that the older generation remembers is not what they observe in America today. This may have been what the older Hebrews experienced as they had to face the transformation of living under a Pharaoh… from freedom to slavery in that period of history.” Likewise, in a much closer historical period, and much closer to home, it may also have been a similar sense of what older colonists experienced as they faced a stricter and more militant presence of the British Empire.There was a time they no longer felt like citizens of Britain, but second-class citizens or non-citizens. In that day, many colonists chose to roll over and simply allow the British government to enforce their mandates or dictates upon them.
Yet, in such a time, there was a small band of American colonists with faith and common sense that had experimented in self-governance since the days of the House of Burgesses in Virginia (when left alone by the Crown and the installed government officials from the mother country). They began wondering why they needed to obey disrespectful and unresponsive government officials who placed their loyalty to the Crown and the security of their jobs above their duties to help local people in the colonies. Is this not a similar arrangement that exists in the devolution of our Constitutional Republic? Is this not a similar set of circumstances that exists where there is a scarcity of honest and responsible representation from our ‘elected’ or appointed government officials today? That period of American history also parallels the Hebrew history in Egypt.
The real frightening part is not that such wanna-be tyrants continue to dominate in America, but that the American citizens are so complacent or apathetic in light of such a minimal level of respect to the citizens who are often the ones who pay the salaries of the government officials – which makes the citizens the employer and government officials, the employees. This employer - employee relationship is not totally clear to a majority of Americans. It is a very foreign concept to many, especially to those who are currently dependent upon the government for one reason or another. The reversal, or even a subversion, of such roles is tragic. It is contrary to the notion that this nation was conceived in Liberty and the Founders created a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
This premise is eroded each day by elected officials, appointed bureaucrats, and government employees who have become entrenched in “the government of the elitists, by the elitists, and for the elitists.” Americans have allowed this to happen and continue to go along with it – and now many in our government stand in direct opposition to the principles and ideals embedded in the Declaration of Independence rooted in our Judeo-Christian heritage. This is absolutely and fundamentally wrong. We have arrived full-circle, back to where the colonists of Great Britain were when they courageously questioned such a one-way system of running a government. And, we are teetering on the verge of new Pharaohs assuming the positions of tyrants.
So, is there an exit strategy? Yes – there always has been an exist strategy.
Think about the concern that Moses had in arguing with God, that He had chosen the wrong guy. This often happens when God calls: “Who me?” The Bible has a number of stories where reluctant champions were challenged to think more of others than they did of themselves. Right now, God is doing the same as He has done in the past. He is actively calling champions to rise and stand for the Freedom He once imparted through the efforts of brave and brilliant men and women. All across America, people of conscience, who can no longer abide by corrupt, criminal government in the cities or states they live in are forming pockets of patriots to resist the local wanna-be tyrants. Courage is a requirement, for fear is one of the handmaidens of tyranny. Awareness and knowledge of the clear and present danger is an additional requirement because ignorance is another handmaiden of tyranny.
God uses courageous and intelligent people. One must remember that Moses was an educated Hebrew – raised in the household of Pharaoh. He could see the reality from both sides of the divide and being of Hebrew blood, and being a man of conscience, he had to stand up at one crucial point and demonstrate his defiance of a corrupt, tyrannical system – even at the risk of his own life. Likewise, the founding generation were called to stand for freedom, and freedom of their children, even if it meant not to enjoy the fruits of freedom in their own lives. Moses did so as well for God’s children, even though he was not able to enter the land of Canaan.
God uses courageous and faith-filled people. The Hebrew people did not easily trust Moses, In their minds, he was an Egyptian. He had little credibility to be a leader of the Hebrew people; it is why he argued with God. He was looking at the situation from his own limited viewpoint. Just as we all look at things from time to time without faith. The Hebrew people were challenged to accept Moses as someone who God had sent to free them from slavery. All of the drama and the going back and forth with the Pharaoh essentially developed a much greater trust in Moses. The Hebrew people realized that to obtain freedom (even without a guarantee) they would need to uproot their lives for someone like a Moses who was claiming God had sent him. Their own foundations of faith were severely challenged. Yet, they grabbed their faith and summoned their courage. Essentially they had to trust in God.
We, who have the advantage of looking back in history can often view these incredible historical periods of transformation as a matter of fact – or see such historical events as so easy for those people to live through because they survived and all turned out well. Consider that even before the Red Sea event, the faith to leave their lives in Egypt behind must have been quite a test for the regular people.
Is this not so today? What or who are Americans putting their faith in today. Do we have a clue as to what God’s Providence is calling Americans to do in such a time as this? If we are not too clear, we must assume we are ignorant of God’s Will. And if we are afraid, we are already weak and submissive in the infancy of tyranny.
Americans have a strategy to leave the land of tyrants already. They may not yet know it, but the strategy is there in the scriptures. In order to separate from the dominion of evil, each person’s faith, courage and understanding will be challenged. All of those who seek to exit from such a culture of corruption and death, must be willing to do what those people of faith in history have done: 1) trust in God above all; 2) trust in God’s champions; 3) educate oneself in a proactive manner (and I’m not referring to watching movies or the latest on social media); 4) cultivating a trust in the relation between the physical and spiritual realms instead of only trusting what is visible; 5) being willing to act – to do what the Holy Spirit or our Father in Heaven calls us to do.
Fundamental transformation or turning points in human history have come because people were so determined as to make the changes within themselves and around them no matter what. The changes came because people were not trapped by ignorance or fear, and they trusted in God’s champions because God can work through whomever He chooses. The biblical historical record is filled with the strategies God has used to fundamentally transform the apparent reality to new realities. The elements of the strategy for fundamental transformation are not hidden from our eyes; if we are awake, we choose not to pay attention due to fear or lack of faith.
The strategy for Freedom exists in the mind of God, it always has. But, several questions need to be answered by His children. The answers will determine their destiny. This has been the way of His Providence - much is determined by the response of HIs children to His guidance. From the beginning God has always enabled His children the freedom to choose what they preferred, so several hard questions need to be answered by God’s children in such a time as this.
Does America still have a role to play in God’s Providence? Or, is America too far gone in its descent into the dustbin of history? Do Americans even consider God’s Providence as real? .
Does America still have a role to play in God’s Providence? Or, is America too far gone in its descent into the dustbin of history? Can American citizens reverse the descent into modern day slavery? Do Americans of today have the courage to resist tyranny? – reject tyranny? Or, are they more inclined to cower in fear and rationalize why tyranny isn’t so bad after all? Are the average Americans of today at this point in the descent into tyranny that our ancestors reached when they were willing to die for freedom? Would Americans of today be more concerned about the freedom of future generations than their own lives?
Is there a strong leader, who is wrestling with the Pharaoh-like tyrants of this time? Is there a strong leader today who is living for the sake of the citizens, or are the lot of leaders of today only self-centered imitations of true leaders? If such a leader were to be alive in this time, would Americans have the faith to follow? Can Americans of today get beyond their own egos and self-centeredness to join together, stand together, and work together to remain free? If so, United We the People will stand! The alternative is grim. Our part in the process is on us.
Additional Faith & Spirit-filled links…
From CeCe Winans: Goodness of God by CeCe Winans (Live) - 3/20/21
From Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: Holy Rebels - When Rebellion is Holy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
– 8/7/24
From Enni Francis: No Longer Slaves | Jonathan David and Melissa Helsa | Cover by Enni Francis and Kanaan Francis - 10/5/20
From World Outreach Church with Allen Jackson: Christians Have Been Called to Influence Culture! | Allen Jackson Ministries – 8/17/24
From Azusa Pacific University Men’s Chorale: Be Thou My Vision (arr. Brad Hubisz) – 5/20/’09
From Pastor Dr. Voddie Baucham: This Is What Happens When The Church Compromises – 8/11/24
From Gospel Quintet recorded live at St Andrews Kirk Chennai in 2010: "Once To Every Man And Nation " - Classic Hymns Album " Lead Kindly Light " - recorded in 2010 (posted 5/14/2019)
From Dutch Sheets Ministries: God's Offers | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | August 13, 2024
From Melody Joy Williams: PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM + spontaneous worship // one take cover - zMelody Cloud - 12/11/2020
From Kirk Cameron on TBN: Mike Huckabee: The Biggest QUESTION America is Facing in 2024 – 8/15/24
Taylorsville High Choral Program: Concert Choir My Country Tis of Thee - 10/15/2019
From Mario Murillo Ministries: America's Demonic Urge • Fire Power! – 8/11/24
ICYMI > From Kirk Cameron on TBN: Jack Hibbs: The RESTORATION of LIBERTY Depends on THIS – 8/8/24
From GMA Dove Awards: Zach Williams, Oak Ridge Boys, Travis Greene: "Chain Breaker" (48th Dove Awards) - 10/5/2018
From Zach Williams: No Longer Slaves by Zach Williams (Live from Harding Prison) - 10/5/2018